Page 307 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 307


                                        A                           Amoeboid pseudopodia  Cytoplasmic extrusions used for
                                                                       motility as well as to engulf blood cells and bacteria.
                   Acaridae  Family of mites that cause irritation to the skin.  Amputation  Either traumatic or surgical removal of an entire
                   Acarina  Ectoparasites of the order Acarina includes many   limb or fingers and toes.
                     vectors such as ticks and mites.               Anaerobic  Condition of decrease or absence of oxygen; some
                   Acellular  Acellular organisms are not organisms at all, but   bacterial require this condition in order to grow.
                     rather viruses that are not considered living organisms.  Anaphylactic  A severe allergic condition of hypersensitiv-
                   Acetabula  Structure of Schistosomal cercaria producing   ity may affect only certain organs and systems of the body or
                     secretions glands used in the invasive process of the parasite.  may include the entire body; previous exposure and sensitiza-
                   Acetone  Colorless and flammable liquid; used as a solvent for   tion necessary due to previous exposure to antigen (causative
                     decolorizing and cleaning of the laboratory.      agent); anaphylaxis has a rapid onset and may lead to death if
                   Aedes  Genus of mosquito originally found primarily in tropical,   not quickly treated.
                     subtropical zones but has spread by human activity to all conti-  Anaplasma  Prevalent tick-borne pathogen that causes con-
                     nents; several species important in transmitting human diseases.  siderable damage to the health of livestock throughout the
                   Accidental host  One that may harbor an organism that does   world.
                     not actually infect it.                        Annelids  Large phylum of worms that appear to be ringed
                   Agar plate  A Petri dish that contains nutritive media (agar) to   and segmented; includes leeches and earthworms.
                     promote bacterial growth.                      Anemia  A condition literally meaning “without blood”;
                   AIDS  Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.           caused by a red blood celldeficiency; may exhibit weakness
                   Algae  Source of food for some organisms; grows in both fresh   and shortness of breath.
                     and salt water as a photosynthetic organism.   Anoperineal region  Refers chiefly to the anus and perineum,
                   Amastigote  An amastigote is a cell that does not have any fla-  the region between the thighs.
                     gella and is used mainly to describe a certain phase in the life   Anopheles  Species of mosquito that transmits human
                     cycle of trypanosome protozoans.                  malaria.
                   American dog tick  The American dog tick, Dermacentor   Anorexia  An eating disorder mainly based on an emotional
                     variabilis, is found in the eastern United States and less fre-  or psychological condition, resulting in willful self-induced
                     quently in the Pacific west. These ticks are encountered in   starvation; may be called anorexia nervosa; persistent loss
                     grassy meadows, young growing forests along weedy trails, and   of appetite.
                     roadsides.                                     Antibodies  Proteins produced by B lymphocytes in response
                   Amicrofilaremic  Inability to find microfilaria in the blood;   to the presence of a foreign antigen.
                     refers to W. bancrofti and Loa loa microfilaria.  Antigens  Any substance capable of stimulating an immune
                   Amoebae  Plural form of a type of a protozoan.      response.
                   Amoebiasis  Condition of being infected with amoebic   Antihistamines  Drug used to reverse the production of
                     parasites.                                          histamines during allergic reactions.
                   Amoebic colitis  Refers to infection with the pathogenic pro-  Antiprotozoal drugs  Designed to treat diseases caused by
                     tozoan, Entamoeba histolytica.                    protozoa, animal-like, one-celled animals including amoebae.
                   Amoebicides  Chemotherapeutics for ridding the gastroin-  Appendicitis  Inflammation of the vermiform appendix, an
                     testinal system of amoebae.                       appendage of the large intestine.

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