Page 312 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 312


                   Erythema chronicum  Expanding red rash found in acute   animals, particularly those that have hair. Fleas are capable of
                     infections with Lyme disease agents and is in migrans response   transmitting parasitic infections such as tularemia, typhus, and
                     to the actual skin infection with the Lyme bacteria.  brucellosis. Fleas that are swallowed by animals and humans
                   Erythematous rash  Redness and eruption of the skin   may also be infected by cat and dog tapeworms and may infect
                     caused by dilatation and congestion of the capillaries that are   other animals and humans.
                     often a sign of inflammation or infection.     Flotation method  A common method used to recover the
                   Esophagus  Muscular tube that carries food and liquids from   eggs of parasites and oocysts is that of a flotation technique.
                     the mouth to the stomach.                         This procedure relies on the differences in the specific grav-
                   Ether and formalin  Used in the formalin-ethyl ether sedi-  ity of the eggs that are contained in fecal specimens, where the
                     mentation procedure for the detection of parasites and their   eggs float and the fecal material is found on the bottom of the
                     eggs.                                             tube used for the test.
                   Ethyl acetate  Ethyl acetate for safety has replaced ether for   Fluke  Parasitic worm of the trematode class.
                     some procedures as this compound is quite flammable and ex-  Fly disease of hunters  Hunters may be exposed to ill ani-
                     plosive. The procedure using this chemical is primarily for the   mals with epizootic hemorrhagic disease or bluetongue virus
                     routine recovery of protozoan cysts, helminth larvae, and ova   that are spread by a small, biting midge fly.
                     (including operculate and schistosoma eggs) but is not as use-  Folic acid   Used to treat certain types of anemias, including
                     ful for other organisms.                          those as a result of parasitosis.
                   Etiologic agent  The organism or microorganism that is re-  Fomites  Equipment or substances to which organisms cling
                     sponsible for causing a disease.                  and are able to transmit disease to those in contact with these
                   Eukaryotic  Condition where the nucleus is organized and   items.
                     enclosed within a membrane.                    Fork-tailed cercariae  Dermatitis caused by schistosomes
                   Excystation  “Hatching” of a cyst, which becomes metacystic   may be called “swimmer’s itch” and occurs in water when the
                     trophozoites.                                     skin is penetrated by a free-swimming, fork-tailed infective cer-
                                                                       caria, which originate in a snail host.
                                        F                           Formalin  Preservative for biological specimens and may be com-
                                                                       bined with other chemicals to achieve a more desirable result.
                   Febrile  A condition characterized by a clinically significant   Fossilized  Preserved remains or traces of animals, plants, and
                     rise in the body temperature.                     other organisms; ancient specimens may have had organic ma-
                   Fecal-oral route  Refers to handling or coming in contact   terial replaced by minerals such as silicon or calcium.
                     with objects or food materials that have become contaminated   Free-living  Term refers to an organism with the ability to act
                     by feces and are transferred to the mouth by hand or some   or function independently outside a host.
                     other mechanical means.                        Fulminant colitis  Rapid and sudden onset of inflammation
                   Feces  Solid waste material.                        of the colon.
                   Feline  Refers to members of the cat family.
                   Fertilized  An ovum is fertilized where there is a fusion of          G
                     gametes to produce a new organism. In animals, the process
                     involves a sperm fusing with an ovum.          Gametocytes  Malarial stage in life cycle of the genus Plasmo-
                   Fibrils  Threadlike fiber or filamentous appendages such as a   dium which reproduces in the blood of the Anopheles mosquito.
                     myofibril or neurofibril as a component of a cell or a parasitic   Gelatin capsule  Device attached to a string which is swal-
                     organism.                                         lowed into the gastrointestinal tract upon which parasites may
                   Filariasis  Condition where a chronic disease is present due to   adhere.
                     filaria or microfilaria.                       “Germ of laziness”  Term applied to those suffering from
                   Filariform infective   Strongyloides stercoralis is an example   the effects of hookworm infection, such as accompanying
                     of the roundworm that stage larvae lives in soil. The larvae   anemia and malnourishment.
                     have two stages in their life cycle: a rod-shaped (rhabdoid)   Giardiasis  Condition of a victim who suffers from an intesti-
                     first stage, which is not infective; and in the second stage the   nal infection by Giardia lamblia.
                     threadlike (filariform) larvae can penetrate intact human skin   Giemsa stain  Hematologic stain useful in demonstrating
                     and even internal organs.                         morphology of blood parasites.
                   Flagellates  Protozoa with long hairlike tails (flagella) that pro-  Glandular  Generally used for diseases that relate to, affect, or
                     vide locomotion.                                  resemble a gland.
                   Flame cell   Specialized excretory cell that performs functions   Glycogen vacuole  Glycogen is similar to starch and will
                     similar to a kidney; found in many freshwater invertebrates   stain with a variety of stains; this is a food storage vacuole
                     such as nematodes, flatworms, platyhelminthes, and rotifers.   found in certain amoebae; humans also store glycogen in tis-
                   Flatulence  Excessive gases in the stomach and intestines.  sues and organs to be used as energy sources.
                   Flatworm  Belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes.  Golgi apparatus  Series of curved and parallel sacs that may
                   Fleas  Ectoparasites that are wingless and have stout legs   concentrate products for the secretory cells; in other cells their
                     for jumping. Fleas are generally parasitic for warm-blooded   function is not completely understood.
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