Page 316 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 316


                   Lyme disease  Caused by the spirochete bacterium Borrelia   Malaria  A hemolytic disease characterized by periods of fever
                     burgdorferi. A certain tick (of the genus Ixodes in the major-  based on species of malaria infecting the victim; four species
                     ity of cases in the United States) carry these organisms. The   of the genus Plasmodium infect humans, with differing geo-
                     disease was originally identified in Old Lyme, CT, but is now   graphic locations, incubation times, fever cycles, symptoms,
                     found in most parts of the United States. There are three stages   and manner of treatment.
                     of Lyme disease, that of primary, secondary, and tertiary.  Malarial stippling  This is a useful method for a rapid
                   Lymph nodes  Small kidney-shaped enlargements of lym-  and presumptive identification of the species of malarial
                     phoid tissue that lie along the lymphatic vessels; lymph nodes   parasites.
                     are linked by lymphatic vessels and are found throughout the   Malignant disorders  Conditions are capable of invading
                     body. They function as filters for foreign materials such as or-  into adjacent tissues, and are frequently capable of spreading
                     ganisms and contain WBC’s that use oxygen to destroy inva-  to widespread tissues.
                     sive organisms                                 Malnutrition  General term for a medical condition re-
                   Lymphadenopathy  Activation of lymphocytes and other   sulting from insufficient diet but is caused by a number of
                     phagocytic white blood cells may cause an engorgement of   malfunctions of the body as well as low intake of nutrients.
                     the lymph system, resulting in lymph nodes that are notice-  Causes other than insufficient consumption relate to poor
                     ably larger and perhaps harder. Many infectious diseases cause   absorption or excessive loss of nutrients, which often occurs
                     lymphadenopathy, but in addition rheumatoid arthritis, sar-  in parasitosis.
                     coidosis, and a number of less common diseases may result in   Maltese cross forms  When a stained blood film shows a
                     lymphadenopathy.                                  Maltese cross form for an organism, this may be presumptively
                   Lymphatic filariasis  Refers to infections by worms of   diagnostic of babesiosis and will differentiate between babesio-
                     Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and Brugia timori.   sis and malaria.
                     These worms invade the lymphatic system, including the   Mammillated  Refers to a structure, organism, or cell that
                     lymph nodes and sometimes result in a disease called elephan-  has relatively small protrusions from the exterior that occur
                     tiasis, due to the grotesquely large limbs of its victims.  primarily on the surface.
                   Lymphatic varices  Dilated submucosal veins that occur in   Mandibles  Lower jaw of a vertebrate animal is the most com-
                     various parts of the body such as the stomach and the exopha-  mon use, but biting insect mandibles are a pair of appendages
                     gus, as well as in diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels and lymph   near the insect’s mouth.
                     nodes.                                         Mange  Term for a persistent and contagious skin disease
                   Lymphocytes  White blood cell that is responsible for much   caused chiefly by sarcoptic mites for some types of the disease.
                     of the immune response. Lymphocytes are found primarily in   They generally infect domestic animals including dogs but are
                     the lymph system, with a small percentage found in the circu-  capable of affecting humans.
                     lating blood. Lymphocytes are divided into T-cells, B-cells,   Maturation  Process of reaching full development and size as
                     and natural killer (NK) cells.                    a growth process.
                                                                    Mature proglottids  Segments of the tapeworm, those clos-
                                        M                              est to the scolex, that have matured to the point that they are
                                                                       capable of producing eggs.
                   Macrogametes   In heterogamous reproduction, where both   Meningitis  Inflammation of the membranes (arachnoid, pia,
                     male and female gametes exist, the larger and usually female of   and dura mater) of the central nervous system; may be as result
                     a pair of conjugating gametes is called the macrogamete.   of bacterial, viral, amoebal, mycobacterial (TB or associated
                   Macronucleus  Found in eukaryocytes where the nucleus is   organisms), or fungal infection, and in some cases from chemi-
                     organized into one large structure and is surrounded by a nu-  cal irritation and from toxins.
                     clear membrane (prokaryocytes, as are most bacteria, lack the   Measles  Infection of the respiratory system by a virus seldom
                     organized nucleus surrounded by a nucleus).       seen due to childhood immunizations. It is caused by a virus of
                   Macrophages  Refers to a white cell called a monocyte that   the genus Morbillivirus.
                     has left the vascular system and has matured (becomes much   Meningoencephalitis  Medical condition that concurrently
                     larger) in tissues of the body such as the spleen, tonsils, alveoli   resembles meningitis, an infection or inflammation of the me-
                     of the lungs, lymph nodes, and the liver (Kuppfer cells) as well   ninges surrounding the brain, and encephalitis which is an ac-
                     as many other tissue types, including that of the central ner-  tual infection or inflammation of the brain.
                     vous system (microglia).                       Mecuric chloride  Chemical used as a fixative when the pre-
                   Mad cow disease  Disease caused by a subviral particle (i.e.,   servatives that include polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) are used.
                     prion), and is known variously as mad cow disease (bovine   Merozoites  In infections by Plasmodium spp., chiefly,
                     spongiform encephalopathy or BSE), scrapie, or Creutzfeldt-  a breaking up of schizonts in the asexual reproductive
                     Jakob disease.                                    process, merozoites are freed and invade other red blood
                   Malaise  A nonspecific and generalized feeling of discomfort,   cells, where they again undergo schizogony or develop
                     illness, or lack of well-being. The symptom can occur with   into gametocytes (for sexual reproduction by union of two
                     almost any major disease condition.               gametocytes).
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