Page 313 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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GLOSSARY     293

                   Golgi complex  Termed the “export complex” with unique   Heartworms  A heartworm is a parasitic roundworm (Diro-
                     proteins that seem specialized for information flow to and from   filaria immitis) infecting dogs, but other canids particularly
                     ER (endoplasmic reticulum) and the Golgi complex.   and rarely humans may be infected. The disease is spread from
                   Gomori stain  The stain provides for a permanent stained smear   host to host through the bites of mosquitoes.
                     that enhances detection and identification of cysts and trophozo-  Helminthiases  Condition of being infected by flatworms
                     ites where a permanent record of the protozoa is required.   (platyhelminthes).
                   Graft rejection  Immunologic destruction of transplanted   Helminthology  Study of parasitic and other worms.
                     organs or tissues that is based on both cellular and humoral   Helminths  A wormlike animal belonging to the phyla Platy-
                     (antibody-mediated) reactions.                    helminthes (flatworms).
                   Graft vs. host reaction  The T-lymphocytes of the donor’s   Hemaphroditic  An animal or plant that possesses both male
                     tissues or bone marrow may recognize the recipient’s body tis-  female reproductive organs.
                     sues as non-self and when this occurs, the transplanted bone   Hematuria  Presence of blood in the urine.
                     marrow cells attack the transplant recipient’s body.  Hemiptera  Several insects of the order Hemiptera pos-
                   Gram negative bacteria  Stain that differentiates between   sessing biting or sucking mouthparts and two pairs of wings.
                     two broad groups of bacteria. The Gram-positive organisms   Hemipterans include the leafhoppers, treehoppers, cicadas,
                     retain the crystal violet portion of the stain while the Gram-  aphids, scales, and true bugs.
                     negative organisms retain the red-colored counter stain com-  Hemoflagellates  A flagellated protozoan that inhabits the
                     prised of safranin.                               blood; most important hemoflagellates are the genera Trypano-
                   Granular  Granular material is described as a conglomeration   soma (malaria) and Leishmania.
                     of discrete solid, macroscopic particles giving an inconsistency   Hemorrhage  Literally means “bursting forth” as in the act of
                     to the homogeneity of the material.               bleeding copious amounts.
                   Granulocytes  White cells that arise from a myeloid stem cell,   Hemorrhagic pancreatitis  Pancreas inflamed to such an
                     and include neutrophilic segmented or polymorphonuclear   extent that bleeding occurs, possibly resulting in massive,
                     cells, eosiniphils and basophils; neutrophilic WBC’s may en-  difficult-to-control bleeding.
                     gulf bacterial organisms and destroy them by lytic processes;   Hepatitis B  Liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus
                     eosinophils play a major role in the killing of parasites, particu-  (HBV) that may become chronic and lead to liver failure, can-
                     larly for enteric nematodes as their granules contain a unique,   cer, and cirrhosis.
                     toxic basic protein and a cationic protein.    Hepatomegaly  Enlargement of the liver.
                   Granulomatous lesions  A group of inherited diseases   Herbivore  Grazing animals that predominantly eat grass and
                     where certain cells of the immune system have difficulty form-  other vegetation.
                     ing the reactive oxygen compounds through oxidative or   Hippocratic Oath  Oath exacted of the students of Hip-
                     “respiratory burst” activity required to kill certain ingested   pocrates for student physicians; historically one of the oldest
                     pathogens.                                        documents outlining expectations of a professional. The oath
                   Gravid proglottids  Gravid proglottids from tapeworms en-  basically requires treatment of the sick to the best of one’s abil-
                     compass egg capsules and when they break free they pass out   ity, preservation of patient privacy, and teaching of medicine to
                     in the feces and then release the egg capsules.   the next generation. The oath has been modified several times
                   Ground itch  An itching sensation caused by the penetrating   from the original document.
                     and burrowing into the skin of larvae of hookworms Ancylos-  Hirudinea  Class of parasitic or predatory annelid (seg-
                     toma duodenale or Necator americanus.             mented) worms with 34 annelids or rings around them; the
                   Guillain-Barre syndrome  Neurological disease following   common name is leech and the organism uses terminal suckers
                     acute infection with Campylobacter jejuni, cytomegalovirus   for both attachment to its prey and for locomotion.
                     or Epstein-Barr virus that is rare; ascending paralysis of the   Hookworm larvae  The means of infectivity for hookworms
                     motor functions and progresses to the respiratory muscles;   is through the larvae found in the soil that are able to penetrate
                     some residual damage may remain after disease is resolved.  the skin; hookworm eggs are not infective.
                   Guinea worm  Refers to the filarial form of Dracunculus   Host  Organism from which nutrients are obtained for the
                     medinensis.                                         parasite, and is part of the parasite’s life cycle.
                   Gundi  Small, stocky rodents that live in rocky deserts across   Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE)  Rare infec-
                     northern Africa as important reservoirs of leishmania.  tious disease caused by a genus of bacteria that belongs to the
                                                                         Ehrlichia family. The bacterium is carried and transmitted by
                                        H                              certain ticks, namely the deer tick (Ixodes dammini) and the
                                                                       American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis).
                   Habitat  Geographic location where organisms may dwell.  Human hydatid disease  The larval stage of the dog tape-
                   Hard tick  The hard ticks are those that transmit the most   worm Echinococcus granulosus is responsible for hydatid dis-
                     pathogens; these ticks have a hard shield or scutum on the   ease in humans; acquired from animals through ingestion of
                     back and mouth parts that project from the head. The families   tapeworm eggs excreted in the feces of infected dogs.
                     of Ixodidae, Amblyomma, Bophilus, and Dermacentor, and   Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV)  A retrovirus
                     several other less important vectors are all hard ticks.  that can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
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