Page 315 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 315

GLOSSARY     295

                   Iron supplements  Vitamins that contain iron in a form used   in medicine for bloodletting, supposedly to cure a variety of
                     by the body; often necessary for certain medical conditions   diseases.
                     where anemia is primary or is the result of another disease   Leishmaniasis  Infection caused by a flagellate protozoan of
                     process.                                          one of the infective species of the genus Leishmania, normally
                   Iron-hematoxylin stain  Type of stain used to differenti-  transmitted to humans or animals chiefly by flies; causes a dis-
                     ate the internal morphology of cells and organisms, to include   ease with two distinctive ulcerative skin diseases.
                     parasites.                                     Leukocytes  White blood cells.
                   Itch mite  An extremely small parasitic arthropod (insect)   Leukopenia  Low numbers of white blood cells.
                     which is most commonly. Sarcoptes scabiei burrows into the   Lice  Extremely small (1 mm or less) wingless insects of the
                     skin of humans and causes a condition called scabies or one   order Anoplura; some of these are parasitic on humans and
                     type of mange in dogs or cats.                    other mammals and some infest mostly birds; having sucking
                   Ixodidae  This term refers to a family of ticks called “hard-  mouthparts; examples include the body or head louse, Pedicu-
                     bodied ticks” and are important vectors of many tick-borne   lus humanus, and Phthirius pubis, which is commonly called
                     diseases.                                         the crab or pubic louse.
                                                                    Lindane  One of the medications used to treat scabies, head
                                         J                             lice, and crabs is lindane.
                                                                    Liver abscesses  Ranges from bacterial infections with pus
                   Jaundice  A yellowing condition of the skin caused by destruc-  generated from the site, to hepatic amebiasis; the amebic liver
                     tion of RBCs. This condition may originate from an infectious   abscess is a collection of pus in the liver caused by an intestinal
                     process by bacteria, viruses, or parasites such as those that may   parasite, often by Entamoeba histolytica, the same organism
                     be intraerythrocytic.                             that causes amebiasis, an intestinal amoebal infection. The or-
                   Jejunum  Refers to the middle portion of the small intestine,   ganism is transported through the circulatory system from the
                     between the duodenum and the ileum.               intestines to the liver.
                   Jigger  The name given to any of several species of small red   Liver fluke  A trematode, Faciola hepatica, from the phylum
                     mites (includes Tetranychus irritans and T. americanus)   Platyhelminthes. Liver fluke adults are found in human livers
                     which can penetrate beneath the skin of humans and a number   and various other mammals. They feed on blood and produce
                     of animals, and found mostly in the southern part of the United   eggs which are passed into the intestine.
                     States.                                        Loa loa  Also known as Loa loa filariasis and several regional
                   Joint myalgia  Myalgia literally means “muscle pain” and is a   and local names. Tropical swelling and African eyeworm is
                     symptom of many diseases and disorders, but is called “joint   commonly heard for a skin and eye disease caused by the nem-
                     myalgia” when the pain is associated with a joint, where a mus-  atode worm. Humans contract the infection through the bite
                     cle may be attached.                              of deer or mango fly vectors after which the adult filarial worm
                                                                       migrates through the subcutaneous tissues of humans.
                                        K                           Loamy soil  Composed of a mixture of sand and silt, and is
                                                                       perhaps the best soil for agricultural uses; frequently contami-
                   Karyosome  A body included in the chromatin of the nu-  nated by hookworm larvae.
                     cleus that usually stains a darker color than the remainder of   Lone star tick  The Amblyomma americanum, or lone star
                     the nucleus; varying appearances useful in identifying some   tick, is widespread in the United States, covering an area from
                     amoebae.                                          Texas north to Iowa in the Midwest east to the Atlantic, and
                   Katayama disease  The disease referred to Schistosoma   as far north as Maine. The female tick has a white spot on its
                     japonicum.                                        back resembling a star. As are most ticks, it is found mostly at
                   Kinetoplast  Small mass that stains darkly and is the base of   the edge of wooded areas and especially in forests with thick
                     the flagellum; provides movement to the flagella.  underbrush. The lone star tick is a vector for several parasitic
                   Kleptoparasitism  Parasitism by theft in a literal sense. Klep-  pathogens, but is best known as a transmitter of human granu-
                     toparasites take over food sources from their hosts without   locytic ehrlichiosis (HGE).
                     providing any advantage to the host.           Louse  Singular form for lice.
                                                                    Lugol’s iodine  First made in 1829; is a solution of elemental
                                         L                             iodine and potassium iodide dissolved in water. It has had a
                                                                       variety of uses since first being formulated, including treatment
                   Laboratory diagnosis  Refers to the conducting of labora-  for hypothyroidism and for making dirty water  potable. In
                     tory tests to diagnose or to confirm a diagnosis made by other   parasitology and bacteriology, it is used primarily for staining
                     means.                                            starch structures in parasites and in bacteria, and is a compo-
                   Larvae  Demonstrate a distinct juvenile form as a stage of meta-  nent of the common Gram stain used for staining bacteria.
                     morphosis into adults.                         Lung fluke  Parasite known as the lung fluke; is a parasitic
                   Leech  Refers mostly to a bloodsucking aquatic worm or some-  flatworm of the species Paragonimus westermani. It is preva-
                     times a terrestrial worm (similar to an earthworm) of the class   lent throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America, but rarely in
                     Hirudinea; certain freshwater species were once in wide use   North America.
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