Page 319 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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                   Periportal   Near the portal vein and branches of this vein.  a fixative for cell and parasite preparations for microscopic
                   Peristalsis  Refers to the symmetrical contraction of smooth   examination.
                     muscles, particularly in the intestine, which propagates in a   Pores  Refers to small channels or tiny openings that may be
                     wave down the muscular tube.                      microscopic, as in plant leaves, skin and the cell membranes,
                   Peritoneal  The abdominal cavity and folds whose linings are   and walls of other organisms such as parasites and bacteria,
                     composed of serous membranes.                     through which fluids may be absorbed or eliminated.
                   Peritonitis  Inflammation of the layer of a membrane called   Pork tapeworm  Taenia solium infects the intestine and is
                     peritoneum that lines the inside of the abdominal cavity.  contracted through eating raw or poorly cooked and contami-
                   Permethrin  A topical insecticide used to treat for body and   nated pork, and less often from beef or freshwater fish.
                     head lice, their nits, scabies, and to protect against various spe-  Portal of entry  Break in the natural immunity such as the
                     cies of ticks in the outdoors.                    protective skin, giving organism an avenue into the tissues of
                   Petroleum jelly  Commonly called by the brand name Vase-  the body.
                     line, petroleum jelly is a colorless-to-amber semisolid mixture   Precystic form  A trophozoite (motile form) stage often found
                     of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum and is used as a lu-  just before complete encystations.
                     bricant and in medicinal ointments.            Prions  A microscopic protein particle that is subviral (less
                   Phagocytosis  Literally means “eating by cells” such as white   than a virus) and lacking nucleic acid from which DNA is built,
                     blood cells that engulf pathogens as an immune function.   is thought to be an infectious agent for mad-cow disease as well
                   Phylogenetic  A map of the development or evolution of a   as perhaps for certain other diseases.
                     organisms belonging to a particular group; studies similarities   Procercoid  Refers to the first stage in the aquatic life cycle
                     and possible common origins.                      of certain tapeworms where the elongate larval stage of some
                   Pica   Abnormal craving for unnatural materials as part of the   tapeworms develop in the body of a freshwater crustacean
                     diet, such as white dirt or clay.                 called the copepod.
                   Pinocytosis  Refers to the ingestion of dissolved materials by   Proglottids  Segments of the cestode (tapeworm) that are
                     taking in liquids through the cell membrane; also called endo-    capable of forming eggs and breaking off to infect other areas.
                     cytosis. The cytoplasmic membrane invaginates and pinches   Progressive pernicious anemia  Seriously grave blood
                     off small droplets of fluid that are retained in vesicles formed   disease resulting in a continuing, devastating decrease in the
                     by this process.                                  number of erythrocytes and accompanying fatty degeneration
                   Pinworms  Threadworms that infect mostly children; scien-  of the various tissues; commonly the victim exhibits a lemon-
                     tific name for this organism is Enterobius vermicularis.  yellowish discoloration of the skin.
                   Plasmodium  Genus of organism causing malaria in humans,   Promastigotes  Amistigotes undergo changes to become flag-
                     birds, and animals.                               ellated forms called promastigotes, an infective stage.
                   Platyhelminths  Flatworms.                       Prophylactic   Preventive measure to avoid infection
                   Plerocercoid  Worm-like larval forms of certain tapeworm   primarily.
                     that develop in secondary hosts.               Prostatic secretions  Prostatic secretions are expressed from
                   Pneumocystosis  Infection with the Pneumocystis carinii   the glands of males and the secretions are tested for evidence
                     (P. jirovecii) organism.                          of inflammation or infection by various microorganisms.
                   Pneumocystis carinii   Opportunistic organism that   Protein deficiency  Often related to hookworm infections,
                     frequently infect those who are immunocompromised,   where poor nutrition as well as loss of nutrition to the parasites
                     leading to pneumonia; often a condition found in AIDS   lead to anemia and protein deficiency states, which results in
                     victims.                                          emaciation and wasting.
                   Pneumonia  An inflammation of the lungs, most often caused   Protista  This is a division under Kingdom Protoctista and
                     by infection. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and even some   Protoctista; eukaryotic one-celled living organisms as differen-
                     chemicals can cause pneumonia.                    tiated from multicellular plants and animals that includes many
                   Pneumonic form  The pneumonic form of both the plague,   of the parasitic protozoa.
                     caused by Yersinia pestis, and that of anthrax, caused by Bacil-  Protoscolices  One large cyst resulting from E. granulosus in-
                     lus anthracis, have pneumonic forms of the infections, and are   fection may contain tens of thousands of protoscolices which,
                     gravely serious conditions.                       after ingestion, the protoscolices attach to the intestinal mu-
                   Polymerase chain reaction  Technique to amplify or   cosa where they develop into adult stages.
                     increase the numbers of a single or few copies of a strand   Protozoa   Member of Kingdom Protoctista and Protoc-
                     of DNA greatly, generating thousands of copies that can be   tista, Division of Protista; includes unicellular animal-like
                     used for testing and for incorporating into other organisms.  organisms.
                   Polymorphic nucleus  Indicates a nucleus that may appear   Pruritis  Itching, burning, and sometimes tingling of the skin.
                     as segments such as in the polymorphonuclear leukocyte or   Pseudomembranous colitis  Term used for diarrheal
                     the segmented neutrophil.                         disease that often occurs in hospitalized patients with exten-
                   Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)  Used in a number of applications   sive antibiotic therapy has enabled overgrowth of the bacte-
                     including a broad-use adhesive and as a water-absorbent sub-  rium Clostridium difficile, which is identified by a toxin it
                     strate which when incorporated with mercuric chloride is used   produces.
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