Page 318 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 318


                   Nymphs  Stage of development for a variety of insects; the   approximately 20 different species that is transmitted by sand-
                     nymph is an immature form of some invertebrates, particularly   fly bites.
                     insects, which undergoes gradual metamorphosis (hemime-  Oropharyngeal  Part of the pharynx between the soft palate
                     tabolism) before reaching maturity.               and the epiglottis.
                   Nymphal tick stage  Immature stage of the tick, where the   Osteitis deformans  Chronic bone disorder caused by an in-
                     organism are small; for some species the nymphal stage may   crease in the breakdown and re-growth of bone tissue.
                     also be an infective stage.                    Ovum  An alternate term for egg.

                                        O                                                P

                   O & P examination  Procedure for determining the pres-  Paget’s disease  Osteomalacia, or softening and bowing of
                     ence of either the ova (eggs) of a parasite or the parasite   the long bones; also called osteitis deformans; disease occur-
                     itself.                                           ring chiefly in the elderly in which the bones may become en-
                   Obligate  Term for an absolute need or necessity for a material   larged and weakened in structure, often leading to a fracture or
                     or condition.                                     deformity.
                   Occult filariasis  An infection in which microfilariae are not   Palaeoparasitology  Study of evidence from fossils of long
                     observed in the blood, although they may be found in other   ago, showing evidence of parasitic infections.
                     body fluids.                                   Pallor  Paleness and lack of normal color.
                   Ocular micrometer  The device enables the measurement   Palpitations  An unusually rapid or somewhat violent beating
                     of the size of magnified objects. Has a ruled scale etched into a   of the heart; perhaps with ineffective pumping of blood.
                     glass disk that fits in a microscope eyepiece.   Papillae  Refers to small nipple-shaped projections or el-
                   Oculoglandular  Enlargement of the lymph node around the   evations such as those on the tongue or the small elevations
                     eye and in many cases is accompanied by conjunctivitis.  at the root of a developing tooth, hair, feather projection, or
                   Ohara’s fever  The disease is also known as or related to   elevation.
                     deerfly fever or tularemia and is caused by infection by the bac-  Paragonimiasis  A food-borne parasitic infection caused by
                     terium Francisella tularensis.                    the lung fluke which is most frequently Paragonimus wester-
                   Onchocerciasis  Infection by the organism Onchocerca vol-  mani. Human infection occurs mainly via ingestion of raw or
                     vulus, known to cause river blindness; a parasitic worm that is   undercooked freshwater crabs or crayfishes.
                     capable of migrating to the skin and into the eyes.  Parasitism  Condition of being infected with a parasite or
                   Oncosphere  Tapeworm embryo with six hooks and is the   parasites.
                     earliest differentiated stage of a cyclophyllidean tapeworm also   Parthenogenetic  A form of reproduction in which an un-
                     called a hexacanth embryo larval stage; the oncosphere bur-  fertilized egg develops into a new organism; found frequently
                     rows through the gut wall to reach various tissues of the host,   among insects and several other arthropods.
                     where they develop into encysted cysticerci or bladder worms.  Pathogenesis  The development or the source of a diseased
                   Oocyst   Cystic form of a sporozoan (protozoan) that might or   condition.
                     might not have a hard, resistant membrane for protection.  Pathogenic  Disease organisms that are capable of producing
                   Oocytes  Refers to a female gametocyte, cell which develops   disease (i.e., bacteria, viruses, or parasites).
                     into an egg or ovum by meiosis.                Pathognomonic  Term often used in medicine that indicates
                   Ookinete  The fertilized form of the malarial parasite in a   characteristics for a particular disease.
                     mosquito’s body, formed by fertilization of a macrogamete by   Pediculosis  Refers to an infestation of lice, the blood-feeding
                     a microgamete.                                    ectoparasitic insects.
                   Operculum  Something resembling a lid or cover; a lid or   Pelvic veins  Associated with the venous system in the pelvis,
                     covering is found in eggs of a pseudophyllidean tapeworm   the lower abdomen, and groin.
                     but the cyclophyllidean species do not have an operculated   Pemphigus  Any of a variety of several acute or chronic auto-
                     ovum.                                             immune skin diseases resulting in clusters of itching blisters,
                   Opisthorchiasis  Condition in which an infection or disease   particularly on the mucus membranes.
                     has occurred due to liver flukes of the genus Opisthorchis.  Perianal  Condition occurring in, or around, the tissues sur-
                   Opportunistic  Refers to a microorganism that is able to   rounding the anus.
                     avoid immune reactions only under certain predisposing dis-  Periodontitis  Infective disease process of the gums charac-
                     ease conditions, for example, when a person’s immune system   terized by inflammation of the tissues caused by bacteria that
                     is impaired due to a variety of reasons.          infect the roots of the teeth and surrounding gum crevices,
                   Orgnelles  Literally means “small organs” and refers to in-  sometimes by an amoebic gingivitis; produces bleeding, pus
                     tracellular structures in the cytoplasm of a cell or a one-celled   formation, gradual loss of bone and tissues that support the
                     organism.                                         teeth.
                   Oriental sore  Known by a number of other names and is   Peripheral chromatin  Includes genetic material of DNA
                     the most common form of leishmaniasis. It is a skin infec-  and proteins that condense to form chromosomes for cell divi-
                     tion caused by a single-celled parasite of which there are   sion. This chromatin is located in the nucleus of a cell.
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