Page 321 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 321

GLOSSARY     301

                   Scabies  Scabies is an itchy skin condition caused by a   (stomach-foot) mollusk capable of acting as the intermediate
                     tiny, eight-legged burrowing mite, an arachnid called Sar-  host for a number of parasites.
                     coptes scabiei. The condition is known as the “itch,” and   Seroprevalence  Refers to the frequency or probability of in-
                     is the contagious ectoparasite that causes a skin infection   dividuals in a population group that have a particular type of
                     characterized by superficial burrows and intense pruritus   antibodies to a certain organism in the blood serum.
                     (itching).                                     Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)  Any of a variety
                   Scavengers  Term is used for any animal, including both birds   of bacterial, viral, fungal, or protozoal organisms that are trans-
                     and insects, that gains its nourishment from dead or decaying   mitted primarily by copulation (sexual intercourse).
                     matter.                                        Sheather sugar  Sheather’s flotation method is a method for
                   Schistosomiasis  A condition of being infected with one of   examining fecal samples for the presence of worm eggs or lar-
                     the blood flukes of the genus of Schistosoma.     vae using a saturated solution of sugar or saline.
                   Schistosomula  The cercariae of Schistosoma burrow through   Siberian liver fluke  A freshwater parasite called the human
                     the skin of the host and develop into schistosomula that mi-  liver fluke is found in areas of Thailand, Japan, and Siberia
                     grate through the body until they reach their final position in   where the species was first identified and studied. This para-
                     the blood vessels where they mature.              site may trigger cancer in humans by creating harmful cell mu-
                   Schizogony  Term used for asexual reproduction by multiple   tations, encouraging tumor formation in the liver.
                     fission, a reproductive process for many sporozoan protozo-  Sigmoidoscopic  Most frequently a flexible tube connected
                     ans; fission refers to a division of the cell into two more or less   to a fiber-optic camera is used in which a physician examines
                     equal parts.                                      the large intestine.
                   Schizont  In the infection of malaria, sporozoites migrate   Sleeping sickness  A parasitic disease found primarily in
                     to the liver where the parasite matures in the hepatocyte to a   sub-Saharan African, trypanosomiasis is a parasitic disease in
                     schizont containing many merozoites in it. After this hepatic   people and other animals that is transmitted by the tsetse fly,
                     stage, the erythrocytic stage begins following the formation of   and is caused by several species of the genus Trypanosoma.
                     merosomes that contain thousands of merozoites, which bud   Slime molds  Originally classified as a fungus and no longer
                     off the hepatocytes. Within the erythrocytes the merozoite   considered as such, slime mold is a general term for identifying
                     grow first to a ring-shaped form and then to a larger tropho-  fungi-like organisms that reproduce by spores.
                     zoite form.                                    Snails  Mollusks that have a muscular foot (Gastropoda) and
                   Scolex   The head portion of the cestode; the anterior, first   that are capable of being parasitic vectors or intermediate
                     segment of a tapeworm that possesses organs such as suckers,   hosts.
                     muscular jaws, or hooks for attachment.        Soft tick  Any tick of the Argasidae family that lacks a dorsal
                   Scotch tape prep  Use of cellophane tape to obtain the eggs   shield, or scutum, and has the mouthparts on the underside
                     laid in the anal region during the night by the female pinworm   of the head.
                     called Enterobius vermicularis.                Southern Tick-associated Rash Illness  Also called
                   Scutum  Hard shield-shaped chitinous plate covering the   STARI; emerging infectious disease related to Lyme disease
                     upper dorsal surface of hard-bodied ticks, a feature that dis-  that occurs in southeastern and south-central United States.
                     tinguishes them from the wrinkled appearance of soft-bodied   The disease is spread by the bites of the tick called the lone
                     ticks.                                            star tick, Amblyomma americanum. The causative organism
                   Sebaceous glands  Glands of the skin that produce a secre-  has not been definitively identified.
                     tion of fat; an oily solution that resembles fatty materials, the   Spirochetes  Slender, motile organism with spiral shape; such
                     sebaceous secretions of some plants, or the sebaceous humor   as Treponema pallidum, the pathogen that causes syphilis.
                     of animals.                                    Splenomegaly  Enlargement of the spleen located in the ab-
                   Secretory IgA  Secretory IgA is a dimer of the immunoglobu-  dominal region.
                     lin A and is the primary molecule of the mucosal surfaces and   Spontaneous generation  An obsolete assertion that life
                     is one of the first lines of defense against invasion and coloniza-  can spontaneously occur from nonliving matter. The appear-
                     tion by potentially harmful microorganisms.       ance of maggots in meat sealed in a lidded container was used
                   Sedimentation method  One of the two major techniques   as “proof” that this occurred initially.
                     available for parasite assays and identification in separating   Sporocyst  A protective case or cyst where sporozoites de-
                     eggs and even cysts from fecal material and concentrating the   velop and are then transferred to different hosts; also a bladder
                     organisms or their ova.                           or saclike larval stage in many trematode worms.
                   Seed ticks  Nymphal form of some ticks that may be capable   Sporozoans  Class of parasitic protozoa that includes Plasmo-
                     of transmitting infection.                        dium, Cryptosporidium.
                   Segmented neutrophils  A phagocytic leukocyte also called   Sporozoites   Undeveloped sporozoans that are produced by
                     a seg or poly; when mature has a segmentednucleus (it is called   multiple division of a zygote or spore; stage where it may infect
                     a seg or poly). The immature neutrophil has a horseshoe-  a new host cell.
                     shaped nucleus called a band.                  Sputum  Thick, mucopurulent material from the air pas-
                   Semisulcospira   Species of freshwater snail with an   sages of the respiratory system that is coughed up and fre-
                     operculum (lid-shaped cover) that is an aquatic gastropod   quently expelled from mouth; mucus or mucopurulent matter
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