Page 324 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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                     organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in   Wet mount  In order to allow light to pass through a micro-
                     international law.                                scopic preparation more effectively, a wet mount of water or
                   Urethral occlusion  Characterized by the failure to pass   normal physiological saline may be used for microscopic ex-
                     urine, the urethra may be blocked by edema, renal stones, or   amination under a high-power objective.
                     parasite eggs such as in schistosomiasis.      Wheatley modification  Wheatley’s modification of
                   Urethritis  Urethritis refers to inflammation of the urethra,   Gomori’s trichrome technique is useful in examining stained
                     usually as a result of infection.                 fecal film for the presence of parasites.
                   Uterine pore  Small opening through which eggs of certain   Whipworms  A slender, whip-shaped, parasitic nematode
                     tapeworms are discharged.                         worm (Trichuris trichiura) that often infects the intestine of
                                        V                           WHO  World Health Organization.
                                                                    Wolbachia  The term refers to a genus of bacteria that infect
                   Vacuolar  Structure or organism with small cavities called vac-  a wide variety of invertebrates that includes insects, spiders,
                     uoles spread through the cytoplasm of cells.      crustaceans, and nematodes.
                   Vacuole  Small cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell, bound by a   Worms  Used as a general description of a variety of parasites
                     single membrane and containing water, food, or metabolic   other than protozoa.
                     waste.                                         Wright stain  Hematology stain for staining blood cells for
                   Vascular system  Veins, arteries, and heart of an organism   differentiation, morphology.
                     such as a mammal.                              Wright’s-Giemsa  Combination hematological stain useful
                   Vector  Organism that carries and perhaps transports para-  for identifying intracellular parasites.
                     sites from one host to another; snails, other mollusks, and in-  Wyle’s disease  Caused by spirochetes that are also respon-
                     sects often serve as vectors for parasites as well as viruses and   sible for relapsing fever, infectious jaundice, Lyme disease,
                     bacteria.                                         sores, ulcers, and Vincent angina.
                   Vincent’s angina   An acute communicable infection of the
                     respiratory tract and mouth marked by ulceration of the mu-
                     cous membrane.                                                      Y
                   Visceral larva migrans  Caused by parasitic worms that in-
                     fect the intestines of dogs and cats. The dog parasite is called   Yellow dog tick  The American dog tick is from a genus of
                     Toxocara canis and the cat parasite is called Toxocara cati. The   hard-bodied ticks of which most species are important vectors
                     disease is contracted where eggs in the feces of infected ani-  of disease. It has a decorative white or yellow outer dorsal cov-
                     mals enter soil and allow the infection to spread to humans.  ering called the scutum.
                   Vitamin B   Used to treat pernicious anemia.     Yellow fever  This disease is an acute viral hemorrhagic dis-
                           12                                          ease resulting in jaundice due to the destruction of RBCs.
                   Volutin  Granular, phosphoric substance that stains with basic
                     dyes and is found in the cytoplasm of some bacterial and fun-  Aedes aegypti mosquitoes primarily but along with some other
                     gal cells.                                        species are capable of transmitting the virus which is prevalent
                                                                       in tropical and subtropical areas in South America and Africa.
                   West Nile virus  Mosquito-borne virus that can cause en-
                     cephalitis or meningitis (inflammation of the membranes sur-   Zinc sulfate  The specific gravity of zinc sulfate is adjusted
                     rounding the brain).                              to a particular level and is used as a fecal flotation medium for
                   Western blacklegged tick  This tick is a three-host tick that   finding the ova and some cysts of parasites.
                     primarily feeds on lizards or small rodents before adulthood and   Zoonosis  Diseases of animals, such as rabies, that can be
                     on large mammals, commonly deer, canids, and dusky-footed   transmitted to humans.
                     woodrats. This organism is the principal vector for Lyme dis-  Zygote  This term is used for the union of two gametes resulting
                     ease in the western United States, as it readily bites humans.  in a complete cell that may develop into a mature organism.
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