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                   eosinophils, 19, 131, 150, 202    laboratory diagnosis, 101–102  General Education Board, 123
                   epidemiological surveillance, 16–18  life cycle, 97             Giardia lamblia, 48–50
                   epidemiology, 16                  lymphatic, 97–107, 116          antigen tests for, 27, 31
                   epigastric, 146                   serious cavity, 114–115         disease transmission, 49
                   epimastigote state, 92            species of causative organisms for, 98  duodenal aspirates, 282
                   epsom salts, 124                  subcutaneous, 108–114           laboratory diagnosis, 49–50
                   erythema chronicum migrans, 243   treatment and prevention, 102   life cycle, 49
                   esophagus, 149                    Wuchereria bancrofti, 103–105   morphology, 48–49
                   ethyl acetate method, 262–265   fish or broad tapeworm, 125, 133,   overview of, 48
                   eukaryotic, 6                         165, 168. See also          protozoa, 23
                   Eutrombicula alfreddugèsi, 218        Diphyllobothrium latum      risks, 30
                   Eutrombicula splendens, 218     flagellates, 23, 36               symptoms, 49
                   Evans, Griffith, 95               Chilomastix mesnili, 47–48      tests for identifying, 255
                   excystation, 28                   Dientamoeba fragilis, 40–43     treatment and prevention, 29, 50
                                                     Giardia lamblia, 48–50          Trichuris trichiura and, 144
                                 F                   nonpathogenic, 46–48            in water supply, 24
                                                     pathogenic, 40–46             giardiasis, 29
                   Faciolopsis buski, 183–184        Trichomonas hominus, 47–48    Giemsa stains, 79, 86, 93, 116, 280
                     disease transmission, 184       Trichomonas tenax, 46–47      glandular, 245
                     laboratory diagnosis, 184       Trichomonas vaginalis, 43–46  Glossina, 95
                     life cycle, 184               flame cell, 168                 glycogen vacuole, 28
                     morphology, 183               flatworms. See trematodes (flatworms)  Goeze, Johann, 164
                     overview of, 183              fleas, 6, 19, 221–222, 225      golgi apparatus, 28
                     symptoms, 183–184             flotation method, 261           Gomori stain, 270
                     treatment and prevention, 184  flukes, 19, 120, 182. See also trematodes   Goodwin, L. G., 194
                   Farley, John, 194                     (flatworms)               gram negative rod, 55
                   Fasciola hepatica, 128, 183, 186–187, 197  blood, 2, 26, 128, 133, 193  Gram-negative coccobacillus, 244
                     disease transmission, 187       comparison of cestodes and, 127  granulomatous lesions, 130
                     laboratory diagnosis, 187       diseases, 183                 gravid proglottids, 125
                     life cycle, 186                 life cycles of, 133, 170      Great Depression, 123, 133
                     morphology, 186                 liver, 128, 183               green monkeys, 10, 11
                     symptoms, 186                   lung, 27, 183                 Griesinger, Wilhelm, 194
                     treatment and prevention, 187   tissue, 128                   “ground itch,” 146
                   febrile, 52                     “fly disease of hunters,” 95    Grove, David I., 194
                   fecal specimens, collection and   folic acid, 157               Guillain-Barre Syndrome, 219
                         preparation of, 257       fomites, 137, 206               guinea worm, 13, 114, 116
                   fecal-oral route, 36, 137       fork-tailed cercariae, 129      guinea worm disease, 108
                   feces, 202                      formalin, 257                   gundi, 88
                   fibrils, 28                     formalin and acetate method, 262–265
                   filariasis, 9, 87, 96–115       formalin-ether, 31                            H
                     Brugia malayi, 105–107        Foster, W. D., 194
                     causes and symptoms of, 101   Francisella tularensis, 219, 244–246, 250  hard ticks, 219
                     clinical signs of, 100–101    Francisella tularensis palaearctica, 245  harvest mite, 217–219
                     detection, 276–279            Fujii, Dairo, 194               helminthiases, 124
                     disease transmission, 101     fulminant colitis, 51           helminthology, 127
                     Drancunculus medinensis, 108–111                              helminths, 13, 119–134
                     (elephantiasis) filarial worms and          G                   cestodes (tapeworms),
                         lymphatic, 97–102                                               125–127
                     epidemiology of, 98–100       G. palpais, 95                    classification of, 120
                     how disease is contracted, 101  G. tachinoides, 95              enterobius vermicularis, 22
                     identification of major microfilarial   gametocytes, 275        epidemiological surveillance of, 18
                         organisms, 102–103        Garnham, Percy C. C., 81          nematodes, 121–125, 135–159
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