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314    INDEX

                     species of, 9                 Rocky Mountain tick, 231        sedimentation method, 261
                     spread of, 9–10               rodents, 235                    seed ticks, 229
                   Prout, William, 101             Romanowski stains, 79           Semisulcospira, 190
                   pruritis, 146                   Roosevelt, Theodore, 123, 133   Sergent, Edouard, 81
                   pseudomembranous colitis, 65    Ross, Ronald, 81, 87            Sergent, Etienne, 81
                   pseudophyllidean tapeworms, 169  rostellum, 169, 206            serious cavity filariasis, 114–115
                   pseudopod, 28                   roundworms. See nematodes       serological tests, 283
                   pseudopodia, 36, 40–42, 56, 58, 67  Ruffer, Marc Armand, 193    Siberian liver fluke, 189
                   Psoroptidae, 217                                                Siebold, Carl Theodor Ernst von, 194, 204
                   Pthirus pubis, 214–216, 224                   S                 sigmoidoscopic procedure, 282–283
                   Pulex irritans, 221                                             Simulium blackflies, 97, 98
                   pupa, 222                       sand flies, 80, 81, 82          sleeping sickness. See trypanosomiasis
                                                   sand gnats, 97                  slides for identifying blood parasites,
                                 Q                 Sarcoptes scabiei, 217, 225           273–274
                                                   Sarcoptidae, 217                snails, 182
                   Q fever, 225
                                                   scabies, 217                    soft ticks, 219
                   quality assurance, 283
                                                   scavengers, 215                 Southern Tick–associated Rash Illness
                   quality control, 281
                                                   Schistosoma haematobium, 128–132      (STARI), 229, 249, 250
                                 R                   disease transmission, 196       causes of, 243–244
                                                     laboratory diagnosis, 197       lone star tick and, 230
                   rabbit fever. See tularemia       life cycle, 196                 “Lyme-like disease” and, 244
                   redbugs, 216, 217–219, 225        morphology, 194                 overview of, 242–243
                   Redi, Francisco, 204              overview of, 193–194            prevention, 243
                   rediae, 128, 182                  symptoms, 194–195               symptoms, 243
                   reduviid bug, 92, 93              treatment and prevention, 197  sparganosis, 167
                   relapsing fever, 221            Schistosoma japonicum, 128–132  specimen collection, 256–258
                   Renaissance, 12                   disease transmission, 196     spirochetal, 234
                   Renoult, A. J., 194               laboratory diagnosis, 197     spirochete (Borrelia), 221
                   reservoir hosts, 5, 55            life cycle, 196               splenomegaly, 80, 130
                   rhabditiform larvae, 123          morphology, 194               sporocyst, 182
                   rhinitis, 20                      overview of, 193–194          sputum, 140, 282
                   Rhipicephalus sanguineus, 231, 248, 249  symptoms, 194–195      St. Louis encephalitis, 87
                   “rice paddy itch,” 182            treatment and prevention, 197  STARI (Southern Tick–associated Rash
                   Rickettsia amblyommii, 243      Schistosoma mansoni, 128–132          Illness). See Southern Tick–
                   Rickettsia rickettsii, 219, 231, 235,   disease transmission, 196     associated Rash Illness (STARI)
                         248, 250                    laboratory diagnosis, 197     stickleback, 166
                   Rickettsia typhi, 222             life cycle, 196               Stiles, Charles Wardell, 123
                   ring forms, 79                    morphology, 194               stool examinations, 25
                   Ringer, B. S., 190                overview of, 193–194          stool samples, evaluating, 257–258
                   river blindness, 98               symptoms, 194–195             stramenopiles, 58
                   Rivolta, Sebastiano, 189          treatment and prevention, 197  stratum corneum, 147
                   Rockefeller, John D., 123, 133  schistosomes, 129–131, 182, 193–197  stratum germinativum, 147
                   Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for   schistosomiasis, 98, 183  striated skeletal muscle, 201
                         the Eradication of Hookworm   diagnosis of, 131–132       strobila, 165
                         Disease, 123                overview of, 128–129          Strongyloides stercoralis, 26, 27, 154–157
                   Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 249  schistosomes and, 129–131, 193–197  differentiating from hookworm larvae,
                     Dermacenter andersoni vector and, 221  symptoms, 194–195            153–154, 158
                     overview of, 235–236          schizont, 275                     disease transmission, 155–156
                     ticks and, 219, 225, 229      scolex, 125, 163, 205             duodenal aspirates, 282
                   “Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from   Scotch tape test, 137–138, 281–282  laboratory diagnosis, 156
                         an Unexpected Tick Vector in   scutum, 231                  life cycle, 155
                         Arizona,” 248             sebaceous gland, 233              morphology, 155
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