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                   intraperitoneal, 209              collection and preparation of fecal   leishmaniasis, 80–83
                   intrapleural, 209                     specimens, 257              diffuse cutaneous, 82
                   Iodamoeba butschlii               concentration technique, formalin and   disease transmission, 82
                     disease transmission, 64            acetate method, 262–265     history/overview of, 80–81
                     laboratory diagnosis, 64        duodenal aspirates, 282         laboratory diagnosis, 82–83
                     life cycle, 64                  evaluating stool samples, 257   life cycle, 82
                     morphology, 64                  filariasis detection, 276–279   morphology, 81
                     overview of, 64                 identification procedures for other   new world cutaneous (Leishmania
                     symptoms, 64                        blood parasites, 276–279        Mexicana complex), 83
                     treatment and prevention, 64    immunological tests, 283        old world cutaneous, 80–83
                   iron supplements, 145             miscellaneous methodology for   symptoms, 81–82
                   Isospora belli, 68, 70–72             recovering specific parasites,   treatment and prevention, 83
                     disease transmission, 70–72         281–283                   leukopenia, 242
                     laboratory diagnosis, 70        quality assurance, 283        Lewis, Timothy, 101
                     life cycle, 70, 71              quality control, 281          lice, 3, 6, 224
                     morphology, 70                  Scotch tape test, 281–282       types of, 8–9
                     overview of, 70                 sigmoidoscopic procedures,    Linnaean taxonomy, 12
                     symptoms, 70                        282–283                   Linnaeus, Carl, 12, 139
                     treatment and prevention, 72    specimen collection, 256–258  Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 100
                   itch mites, 217                   sputum, 282                   liver abscesses, 22
                   ITFDE (International Task Force for   thick and thin slides for identifying   liver flukes, 128. See also Clonorchis
                         Disease Eradication), 98        blood parasites, 273–276        sinensis; Fasciola hepatica
                   Ixodes dammini, 221, 235          trichrome staining procedure,   diseases, 183
                   Ixodes pacificus, 230, 231, 242, 249  270–272                   loa loa, 112
                   Ixodes scapularis, 79, 249, 250   urethral specimens, 283       loamy soil, 147
                     Babesia microti and, 237        urine specimens, 283          London School of Hygiene & Tropical
                     disease transmission by, 229–231  vaginal specimens, 283            Medicine, 12
                     ehrlichiosis and, 242           wet mount, 257, 259–261       lone star tick, 230, 242, 246, 250. See also
                     identification of, 247          zinc sulfate centrifugal flotation   Amblyomma americanum
                                                         procedure, 266–269        louse, infestations of, 8
                                 J                 Lainsonand, Ralph, 81           Low, George Carmichael, 101
                                                   laxatives, 25                   Lugol’s iodine, 51
                   jiggers, 222, 225
                                                   leeches, 225                    Lumbricus teres, 139
                   Journal of Infectious Diseases, The, 8
                                                   Leeuwenhoek, Antonie Philips van,   lung flukes, 128. See also Paragonimus
                                 K                       12, 48                          westermani
                                                   Leiper, R. T., 194                diseases, 183
                   kala-azar, 80
                                                   Leishman, William, 81           Lutzomyia, 81
                   karyosome, 28, 42               Leishmania aethiopica, 81       Lyme disease
                   Katayama disease, 194
                                                   Leishmania braziliensis, 81       bull’s eye rash of, 234
                   Katsurada, Fujiro, 194          Leishmania chagasi, 80            causative organism for, 243
                   ketoconazole, 83
                                                   Leishmania donovani, 80–81        cause of, 221
                   kinetoplast, 28                 Leishmania infantum, 80           overview of, 233–234
                   kleptoparasitism, 3
                                                   Leishmania major, 81              symptoms of, 234–235
                   Kobayashi, Harujiro, 187        Leishmania mexicana complex, 80, 83  ticks and, 2, 79, 219, 225, 229
                   Koch, Robert, 12
                                                   Leishmania sp., 80–83. See also   “Lyme-like disease,” 244
                   Krotoski, Wojciech, 87                leishmaniasis             lymphadenopathy, 130
                                 L                   discovery of, 81              lymphocyte, 241
                                                     identification procedures for,
                   laboratory procedures, 253–286        276–279                                 M
                     calculating size of organism, 284  life cycle, 82
                     calibration of microscopes using   transmission by vector, 81  macrophages, 80, 244
                         ocular mircrometer, 283–284  Leishmania tropica, 81       Mad cow disease, 5
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