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                   Opisthorchis felineus, 189–190, 197  pathogenicity of, 3–4      pigs, 165
                     disease transmission, 190       preserving, 31                pinworms, 22
                     laboratory diagnosis, 190       preventing infection or infestation by,   life cycle, 132
                     life cycle, 190                     255–256                     overview of, 136–137
                     morphology, 189–190             routine testing for, 21–22    “plague,” 222
                     overview of, 189                specimen collection, 256–258  Plasmodium carinii, 26
                     symptoms, 190                   spread of ectoparasite, 8–9   Plasmodium falciparum, 23, 116
                     treatment and prevention, 190   spread of intestinal helminths and   laboratory diagnosis, 87
                   opportunistic, 3                      protozoa, 9–10              morphology, 85
                   oriental sore, 80                 stages in life cycle, 5–6       treatment and prevention, 87
                   osteitis deformans, 200           tissue-invasive, 199–212      Plasmodium jirovicii, 26
                   ovum, 150                         transfer of, 8–10             Plasmodium malariae, 23
                   Owen, Richard, 200                treatment for, 29–30, 31        laboratory diagnosis, 87
                                                   parasitic infections              morphology, 85
                                 P                   accidental host, 5            Plasmodium ovale, 23
                                                     avoiding risk of, 30–31         laboratory diagnosis, 87
                   Page, Walter Hines, 123           diagnosis of, 6–7, 25           morphology, 85
                   Paget, James, 200, 211            earliest evidence of, 10–12   Plasmodium relictum, 87
                   Paget’s disease, 200              eosinophilia, 19–20           Plasmodium sp., life cycle, 280
                   paleoparasitology, 11, 193        hosts required in, 4–5        Plasmodium vivax, 5, 23
                   Pallas, Pierre Simon, 204         immunity and prevention of, 254–256  laboratory diagnosis, 87
                   pallor, 146                       medical conditions created by, 22  morphology, 85
                   palpitations, 146                 patterns of parasitic outbreaks, 16  treatment and prevention, 87
                   Pan-American Sanitary Congress, 123  reservoir host, 5          Plater, Felix, 165
                   paragonimiasis, 183               routes of, 24–25              plerocercoid larva, 170
                   Paragonimus westermani, 128, 183,   signs and symptoms of, 18   Pneumocystis jirovicii, 26
                         190–193, 197                transmissions of, 5–6         polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 31
                     disease transmission, 192     parasitism, 2                   pond flukes, 128
                     laboratory diagnosis, 192–193  parasitology, 2                pork tapeworm, 125, 133, 168–172.
                     life cycle, 191–192           parasitosis, 21, 22, 30               See also Taenia solium
                     morphology, 191                 amoebal organisms in intestinal, 57–63  portal hypertension, 130, 133
                     overview of, 190                Blastocystis hominis, 58–59   precystic form, 28
                     symptoms, 191                   Endolimax nana, 60–61         prions, 5
                     treatment and prevention, 193   Entamoeba dispar, 61–63       procercoid stage, 170
                   parasites, 2                      Entamoeba hartmanni, 59–60    proglottids, 127, 165, 168
                     blood antibody tests, 31      parthenogenetic, 215            progressive pernicious anemia, 123, 133
                     categories of, 22–24          Pasteur, Louis, 12              promastigotes stage, 82
                     characteristics of, 3         pathogenic, 3                   prophylactic treatment, 221
                     classification of, 12–13, 256  pediculosis, 214               protein deficiency, 147
                     commensual relationships of, 3  Pediculus humanus, 214–216, 224  protista, 36
                     contraction of, 21–22         Pediculus humanus capitis, 215, 225  protoscolices, 207
                     direct testing for, 25–27     Pediculus humanus corporis, 215, 225  protozoa, 3
                     ectoparasites, 3, 213–226     pemphigus, 20                     amoebae, 51–67
                     history of, 7–8               perianal area, 127                blood and tissue, 77–118
                     identification of, 4, 27–29, 31  periodontitis, 67              bloodborne, 23–24
                     impact on human health by, 7–8  periportal fibrosis, 130, 133   as category of parasite, 22–23
                     indirect testing for, 27      peristalsis, 31                   ciliates, 37–40
                     intestinal, 7, 20, 36         peritoneal infections, 191        classification of, 36–37
                     laboratory procedures for identifying,   permethrin, 233        coccidia, 67–72
                         254–286                   Phlebotomus, 81                   definition of, 23
                     likelihood of recovering ova and, 29  phylogenetically, 3       flagellates, 40–50
                     meaning of word, 2–3          pica, 22, 145                     microsporidia, 72–73
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