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INDEX    315

                     overview of, 154–155          ticks, 19, 79–80, 219–221, 225, 227–251  Trichinella spiralis, 27, 200–204, 211–212
                     symptoms, 155                   disease transmission, 229–240   disease transmission, 201
                     treatment and prevention, 157   dog ticks, 219                  encysting of, 202–203
                   subcutaneous filariasis, 108–114  hard ticks, 219, 230–231        laboratory diagnosis, 201–202
                     Drancunculus medinensis, 108–111  human ehrlichiosis in United States,   life cycle, 201
                     loa loa, 112                        240–244                     morphology, 200–201
                     Mansonella streptocerca, 113–114  identification, 246–248       overview of, 200
                     Onchocerca volvulus, 111–112    life cycle, 219, 229, 231       symptoms, 201
                   suckers, 205                      Lyme disease, 219, 221          treatment and prevention, 203–204
                   supernatant, 264                  overview of, 228–229          trichinellosis, 200, 211
                   surra, 95                         prevention from tick bites, 232–233  trichinosis, 200, 201. See also Trichinella
                   Suzuki, Masatsuga, 194            soft ticks, 219, 230–231            spiralis
                   “swimmers itch,” 129, 182         tularemia, 244–246            Trichocephalus trichiuris. See Trichuris
                   symbiosis, 2                      as vectors, 219, 221                trichiura
                   syndromes, 11                   tissue flukes, 128, 133         Trichomonas hominus, 23, 46–48
                                                   tissue-invasive parasites, 199–212  disease transmission, 48
                                 T                   Echinococcus granulosus, 204–205  laboratory diagnosis, 48
                                                     Echinococcus multilocularis, 206–210  life cycle, 47–48
                   tabanid flies, 97                 infection in humans, 210–211    morphology, 47
                   tachycardia, 234                  tapeworm life cycle, 210        symptoms, 47
                   Taenia saginata, 125, 133, 168–172  Trichinella spiralis, 200–204  treatment and prevention, 48
                     disease transmission, 170     “toe itch,” 146                 Trichomonas tenax, 46–47
                     laboratory diagnosis, 170–171  Toxoplasma gondii, 26, 88–91     disease transmission, 47
                     life cycle, 170                 disease transmission, 90        laboratory diagnosis, 47
                     morphology, 169                 laboratory diagnosis, 91        morphology, 46
                     overview of, 168–169            life cycle, 89–90               overview of, 46
                     symptoms, 169–170               morphology, 89                  symptoms, 46
                     treatment and prevention, 171–172  overview of, 88–89           treatment and prevention, 47
                   Taenia solium, 125, 133, 168–172  symptoms, 89                  Trichomonas vaginalis, 23, 26, 43–46
                     cystercosis and, 162            treatment and prevention, 91    disease transmission, 46
                     disease transmission, 170     Toxoplasmosis, 88–89              infection routes, 44
                     epidemiology of cysticercosis,   trachea, 149                   laboratory diagnosis, 46
                         164–165                   trachoma, 98                      life cycle, 45–46
                     laboratory diagnosis, 170–171  translactational transmission, 150  morphology, 43–45
                     life cycle, 170               transmission                      overview of, 43
                     morphology, 169                 by fecal-oral route, 36         symptoms, 45
                     overview of, 168–169            routes of parasitic infection, 24–25  tests for identifying, 255
                     symptoms, 169–170             transplacental, 88                treatment and prevention, 46
                     treatment and prevention, 171–172  trematodes (flatworms), 19, 128–132, 133  trichrome staining procedure,
                   taeniasis, 125, 169, 171          comparison of cestodes and, 127     270–272
                   taeniid tapeworms, 163            diagnosis of schistosomiasis, 131–132  Trichuris trichiura, 22
                   Talmud, Babylonian, 204           intestinal, 181–198             Ascaris lumbricoides and, 144
                   tapeworms. See cestodes (tapeworms)  life cycle, 128, 182–183     disease transmission, 143–144
                   tenesmus, 52                      life cycle of pinworms, 132     Entamoeba histolytica and, 144
                   teres, 139                        life cycle of schistosomes, 129–131  Giardia lamblia and, 144
                   tetrachloroethylene, 124          schistosomiasis (bilharziasis), 128–129  laboratory diagnosis, 144
                   tetracycline, 40, 236           triatomid, 92                     life cycle, 143
                   thin smear, 271                 trichina infection, 200           morphology, 142–143
                   threadworms, 121, 155           Trichinella britoui, 200          overview of, 142
                   thready pulse, 146              Trichinella native, 200           symptoms, 143
                   thrombocytopenia, 242           Trichinella nelsoni, 200          treatment and prevention, 144–145
                   thymol, 124                     Trichinella pseudospiralis, 200  Trombicula autumnalis, 217–219
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