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310    INDEX

                     spread of, 9–10                 required in parasitic infections, 4–5, 13  Diphyllobothrium latum and, 170
                     trematodes (flatworms), 128–132  reservoir, 5, 116              Echinococcus multilocularis and, 209
                     trichuris trichiura, 22       Human Genome Project, 10          herbivores as, 205
                   hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), 26  human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE),   in life cycle of tapeworm, 210
                   hematuria, 130, 193                   219, 241                    Taenia solium and, 168
                   hemimetabolous, 216             Human Immunodeficiency Virus    International Task Force for Disease
                   hemiptera, 92                         (HIV). See HIV (Human           Eradication (ITFDE). See
                   hemoflagellates, 80                   Immunodeficiency Virus)         ITFDE (International Task
                   hemolytic anemia, 85            human monocytic ehrlichiosis          Force for Disease Eradication)
                   hemorrhage, 146                       (HME), 241                intestinal infections, 65–66
                   hepatomegaly, 130               human morbidity, 254            intestinal parasites, 7, 20, 35–76
                   herbivores, 205                 Hutchison, William McPhee, 89–90  asymptomatic carriers, 66
                   Heterophyes heterophyes, 184–186  hyaline shell, 150              Balantidium coli, 37–40
                     disease transmission, 186     hydatid cysts, 26, 125, 133, 170, 204–211  Blastocystis hominis, 58–59
                     laboratory diagnosis, 186     hydatid disease, 125, 204–205. See also   Chilomastix mesnili, 47–48
                     life cycle, 185                     echinococcosis              ciliates, 37–40
                     morphology, 185                 diagnosis and progression of, 208–209  classified as protozoa, 36
                     overview of, 184–185            symptoms of, 210–211            coccidia of human intestine, 67–72
                     symptoms, 185                   treatment and prevention, 211   Cryptosporidium parvum, 67–69
                     treatment and prevention, 186  hydatid sand, 207                Dientamoeba fragilis, 40–43
                   Hippocrates, 11, 13, 139, 164, 204  Hymenolepis diminuta, 173–175  differentiating bacterial dysentery from
                   Hippocratic Oath, 11              laboratory diagnosis, 174           amebic dysentery, 65
                   Hirudinea, 224, 225               life cycle, 174                 differentiating organisms Trichomonas
                   Hirudo medicinalis, 224, 225      morphology, 174                     hominus and Chilonastix
                   History of Animals, 164           overview of, 173–174                mesnili, 47–48
                   histotechnologists, 26            symptoms, 174                   Endolimax nana, 60–61
                   HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), 11  treatment and prevention, 175  Entamoeba coli, 54–57
                     babesiosis and, 238           Hymenolepis nana, 125, 133, 172–173  Entamoeba dispar, 61–63
                     intestinal parasites and, 36    disease transmission, 173       Entamoeba hartmanni, 59–60
                     spread of intestinal helminths and   laboratory diagnosis, 173  Entamoeba histolytica, 51–54
                         protozoa, 10                life cycle, 172–173             enteric amoebae, 51
                     toxoplasmosis and, 89           morphology, 172                 Giardia lamblia, 48–51
                     transmission of parasitic infections   overview of, 172         identifying miscellaneous amoeboid
                         and, 6                      symptoms, 172                       infections, 63–64
                   Hoeppli, Reinhard, 13, 194        treatment and prevention, 173   intestinal amoebiasis and treatment, 66
                   hookworms, 22, 26, 157–158. See also   hypostome, 228             Iodamoeba butschlii, 64
                         Ancylostoma duodenale; Necator                              Isospora belli, 70–72
                         americanus                              I                   microsporidia, 72–73
                     early public health efforts targeting, 123                      nonpathogenic flagellates of digestive
                     history of infections, 122–123  IgE, 131                            system, 46–47
                     infection, 145                immunity, natural and acquired, 255  other amoebal organisms in intestinal
                     infections in United States, 123–125  immunodeficient, 88           parasitosis, 57–63
                     life cycle, 124–125           immunological tests, 283          other associated conditions of
                     overview of, 121–122          incidental hosts, 162                 intestinal infections, 65–66
                     treatment of disease, 123–124  indirect method, 255             other intestinal amoebae, 63
                   hosts                           infective stage, 6, 13            pathogenic flagellates of urogenital
                     accidental, 5, 162            infestations, 3, 6                    and intestinal systems, 40–46
                     dead-end, 207                   conditions leading to, 20–21    transmission of, 36
                     definitive, 5, 13, 162, 174, 206,   louse, 8                    Trichomonas hominus, 46–48
                         208–209, 210                morbidity of, 18                Trichomonas tenax, 46–47
                     incidental, 162               insect repellents, 232–233        Trichomonas vaginalis, 43–46
                     intermediate, 5, 21, 168, 170, 205, 209  intermediate hosts, 21  intracellular, 228
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