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308    INDEX

                     overview of, 175–176            overview of, 206                overview of, 54
                     symptoms, 176–177               treatment and prevention, 209–210  symptoms, 56–57
                     treatment and prevention, 178  ectoparasites, 3, 6, 8, 213–226  treatment and prevention, 57
                   direct method, 255                bedbugs, 223–224              Entamoeba dispar, 51, 61–63
                   direct smear, 257                 fleas, 221–222                  asymptomatic carriers, 66
                   dirt-eating, 145                  identification of, 256          disease transmission, 62
                   dog ticks, 219. See also American dog tick  leeches, 224          laboratory diagnosis, 62–63
                   dogs, 149                         lice, 214–216                   life cycle, 62
                   Donovan, Charles, 81              mites, 216–219                  morphology, 61–62
                   double-pore tapeworm. See Dipylidium   specimen collection of, 256–258  overview of, 61
                         caninum                     ticks, 219–221, 227–251         symptoms, 62
                   dracunculiasis, 108–111           tooth amoebae, 224              treatment and prevention, 63
                   Drancunculus insignis, 108, 110  ectoplasm, 51                  Entamoeba gingivalis, 66–67, 224, 225
                   Drancunculus medinensis, 108–111, 116  edema, 22, 112, 146, 203   disease transmission, 67
                     disease transmission, 110     EDTA, 274                         laboratory diagnosis, 67
                     laboratory diagnosis, 110     Ehrlichia canus, 241              life cycle, 67
                     life cycle, 109               Ehrlichia chaffeensis, 219, 241, 242  morphology, 67
                     morphology, 108               Ehrlichia ewingii, 241, 242       overview of, 66–67
                     overview of, 108              Ehrlichia phagocytophilum, 241    symptoms, 67
                     symptoms, 108–109             ehrlichiosis, 225, 229, 240–242, 250  treatment and prevention, 67
                     treatment and prevention, 110–111  causative organism for Lyme disease   Entamoeba hartmanni, 59–60
                   Dubini, Angelo, 122                   and, 243                    disease transmission, 60
                   “duckworms,” 182                  causes of, 243–244              laboratory diagnosis, 60
                   duodenal aspirates, 282           diagnosis and treatment, 242    life cycle, 60
                   duodenal fluid, 50                endemic areas of United States   morphology, 59–60
                   dust mites, 217, 225                  and, 242                    overview of, 59
                   dwarf tapeworm. See Hymenolepis nana  overview of, 240–241        symptoms, 60
                   dysentery, 51, 133, 146           prevention, 243                 treatment and prevention, 60
                     differentiating bacterial from amebic, 65  symptoms, 242      Entamoeba histolytica, 51–54
                                                     symptoms of, 243                antigen tests for, 27
                                 E                   transmission and contraction, 242  differentiation between harmless
                                                   elephantiasis, 97–102                 amoebae and, 51
                   eastern wood tick, 231            Wuchereria bancrofti and, 103   disease transmission, 53
                   Ebers papyrus, 11, 13, 165, 194  ellipsoidal, 166                 laboratory diagnosis, 53–54
                   echinococcosis, 204–205         emaciation, 147                   life cycle, 52–53
                   Echinococcus granulosus, 125, 133, 169, 206  embryonated eggs, 131  morphology, 51–52
                     differentiating from Echinococcus   Emile Roux, Pierre-Paul, 12  overview of, 51
                         multilocularis, 208       encapsulated cysts, 201           protozoa, 23
                     disease transmission, 205     encephalitis, 87, 89, 92, 102     symptoms, 52
                     laboratory diagnosis, 205     encystation, 28                   treatment and prevention, 54
                     life cycle, 205               encysted muscle, 211              Trichuris trichiura and, 144
                     morphology, 205               endemic, 7, 16                  Enterobius vermicularis, 22, 137–139
                     overview of, 204–205          Endolimax nana, 23, 60–61         disease transmission, 137
                     symptoms, 205                 endoparasites                     laboratory diagnosis, 137–138
                     treatment and prevention, 205   identification of, 256          life cycle, 137
                   Echinococcus multilocularis, 125, 133  specimen collection of, 256–258  morphology, 137
                     differentiating from Echinococcus   endoplasm, 51               overview of, 137
                         granulosus, 208           Entamoeba coli, 23, 54–57         “Scotch tape test,” 137–138
                     laboratory diagnosis and disease   disease transmission, 57     symptoms, 137
                         progress of hydatid dieases,   laboratory diagnosis, 57     treatment and prevention, 138–139
                         208–209                     life cycle, 57                eosinophilia, 19–20, 32, 140, 157
                     life cycle, 206–208             morphology, 54–56             eosinophilic enteritis, 153
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