Page 320 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 320


                   Pseudophyllidean  Relates to tapeworms (cestodes), order   Rhinitis  Inflammation of the nose.
                     Pseudophyllidae.                               Rice paddy itch  Cercarial dermatitis is the technical name
                   Pseudopod  Means “false foot” and is a temporary extension   for a malady that is known invarious geographic locations by
                     or protrusion of an amoeba that is used for locomotion and   different names. In developing countries, swimmer’s itch has
                     for phagocytosis (surrounding and feeding).       been called rice paddy itch, clam diggers itch, and duck fleas.
                   Pseudopodia  Plural form of pseudopod, indicating more   Several different parasites can cause reactions after swimming,
                     than one false foot.                              but these itch infections usually refer to infestation with trema-
                   Pulmonary trichomoniasis   Trichomoniasis is usually   tode parasites.
                     found as the common sexually transmitted form, but are also   Rickettsial organisms  Rickettsial diseases and other similar
                     known to cause bronchopulmonary infections in patients with   diseases are caused by a group of gram-negative, obligatively
                     preexisting pulmonary conditions that weaken the immune   intracellular coccobacilli include ehrlichiosis, Q fever, Rocky
                     system.                                           Mountain spotted fever, and Lyme disease.
                   Pupa  The pupa is one of the life stages of some insects undergo-  Ring form  Trophozoite form of Plasmodium sp., which cause
                     ing transformation from the egg through the pupa, larva, nymph   malaria.
                     and adult stages (found only in holometabolous insects).  River blindness (onchocerciasis)  Onchocerciasis is one
                                                                       of the leading causes of blindness in the world and is caused
                                        Q                              by Onchocerca volvulus, a nematode that can live for up to
                                                                       15 years in the human body but can also live in other mam-
                   Q fever  Acute infection caused by the rickettsia Coxiella bur-  mals. Transmission to humans is through the bite of a blackfly.
                     netii, that is found intracellularly; transmitted through milk,   Rocky Mountain spotted fever  Acute infectious disease
                     inhaling dust, or handling stock animals.         of the causative agent called Rickettsia rickettsii; transmitted
                                                                       by ticks of the family Ixodidae, most often by Dermacenter sp.
                                        R                              or D. variabilis; manifested by a skin rash (bull’s eye rash),
                                                                       muscular pains, high fever, and skin eruptions, and is endemic
                   Rabbit fever  Term used for tularemia, along with Pahvant   throughout North America.
                     Valley plague, deerfly fever, and Ohara’s fever. Rabbit fever is a   Rodents  Rodentia is an order of mammals known as rodents
                     serious infectious disease caused by the bacterium Francisella   and is characterized by two continuously growing incisors in
                     tularensis.                                       the upper and lower jaws which must be kept short by gnaw-
                   Redbugs  Also called chiggers, jiggers, and harvest mites, of   ing materials that will grind away the tips of these prominent
                     the family Trombiculidae; a larval mite that that is parasitic on   teeth. Rats, beavers, squirrels, and many other animal species
                     land vertebrates, and sucks the blood of vertebrates including   are rodents.
                     human beings causing extreme irritation.       Romanowski(y)  Stain used for determination of malaria,
                   Redia  A larva of certain trematodes that during its life cycle is   using thick and thin blood films stained with Giemsa or
                     produced within the sporocyst; redia are formed within this   Romanowski dyes for diagnosis; developed in 1891 by Ernst
                     sporocyst and develop into additional rediae or to cercariae.  Malachowski and Dmitri Leonidovich Romanowsky by
                   Reduviid bug  Member of the order Hemiptera; produces the   combining the stains eosin Y and oxidated methylene blue.
                     genus of the true bugs, some of which prey on man; their bite   Rostellum  Structure protruding from the leading end of the
                     may transmit Trypanosoma cruzi, better known as Chagas’s   scolex of a tapeworm; possesses spines or hooks for attach-
                     disease.                                          ment in the intestines.
                   Relapsing fever  Illness that is characterized by a recurring   Roundworm  Nematodes parasitic to humans as well as other
                     high fever; disease is transmitted through the bites of both in-  organisms. Several different species of these worms cause in-
                     fected lice and ticks; disease produces episodic stages of high   fections in the intestines.
                     fever accompanied by chills, headache, muscle pain, and
                     nausea; these signs and symptoms may recur every week or             S
                     10 days for up to several months.
                   Repellent  The term generally refers to a substance applied   SAF  Sodium acetate, acetic acid, formalin.
                     to skin, clothing, or other surfaces to discourage insects and   Sand gnats  Known by various names depending on location.
                     other arthropods from remaining in a given area or landing on   A number of species or genera of flying, biting, blood-sucking
                     the body.                                         dipterans found in sandy areas. In the United States, the sand-
                   Reservoir host  A reservoir host serves as a source of infec-  fly may refer to certain horse flies known as greenheads.
                     tion and potential reinfection of hosts such as humans by sus-  Sandflies  Flies are dipterans, meaning two-winged; the genus
                     taining a parasite when no suitable host is available.  Phlebotomus is known in Africa to transmit onchocerciasis,
                   Rhabditiform larva  Rhabditiform larvae are passed in the   caused by a filarial worm Onchocerca volvulus.
                     stool and can either molt twice and become infective filariform   Sarcoptidae  The family of the order Acarina, this mite is re-
                     larvae (direct development) or undergo four separate moltings   sponsible for scabies (itch) in humans and mange in other ani-
                     and become free living adult males and females that mate and   mals. The species most often responsible for these conditions
                     produce fertilized ova from which rhabditiform larvae hatch.  is Sarcoptes scabiei.
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