Page 322 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 322


                     expectorated due to various infectious diseases, including   professionals and symptoms (subjective) that are reported by
                     certain parasites, of the air passages.           an individual.
                   St. Louis encephalitis  The disease caused by the mosquito
                     is a form of encephalitis virus is related to Japanese encephali-    T
                     tis virus. This disease mainly affects the United States and less
                     frequently Canada and Mexico.                  Tabanid flies  The bloodsucking dipterous flies of the family
                   Stoma  Mouth-like opening of certain protozoa (the term   Tabanidae, including horseflies, that are involved in transmis-
                     –stoma means “mouth”).                            sion of several bloodborne parasites.
                   Stramenopiles  Kingdom for protists of this group have fla-  Tachycardia  Rapid cardiac rate of well over 100 beats per
                     gella with fine hairlike projections and motile reproductive cells   minute.
                     are flagellated. The organism is neither a yeast nor a protozoan   Taenia tapeworms  Taenia is a genus of tapeworm including
                     and is now found in a new kingdom known as the Strameno-  medical and economically important parasites of humans and
                     piles, which include algae, mildew, diatoms; was responsible for   livestock. The most important representatives from the genus
                     the Irish potato famine and the organism responsible for sud-  Taenia are T. solium (pig tapeworm) and T. saginata (beef
                     den oak death disease.                            tapeworm).
                   Stratum corneum  Outermost horny and keratin-rich layer   Talmud  Record of Jewish law, ethics, history, and customs
                     of the epidermis.                                 which outline rabbinic laws restricting certain practices, such
                   Stratum germinativum  Layer of epidermis in which divi-  as eating certain meats.
                     sion of cells occurs leading to the formation of new skin.   Tapeworm  Narrow, segmented worm of the class Cestoda.
                   Striated skeletal muscle  Muscles with fibers that are divided   Taxonomy  Science of classification according to morphology
                     by transverse bands into striations; such muscles are voluntary   and ecological niches occupied by specific organisms.
                     and serve primarily to make gross motor movements of the body.  Tenesmus  The term describes the constant feeling of the
                   Strobila  Proglottids or segmented main body part of the adult   need to defecate along with pain and cramping that may ac-
                     tapeworm.                                         company inflammatory diseases of the intestinal tract.
                   Strongyloidiasis  Infection with the roundworm called   Teres  Term related to muscle shapes, such as the anatomical
                     Strongyloides stercoralis.                        feature of being round and long.
                   Subcutaneous  Layer of skin lying beneath the horny, outer   Tetracycline  Bacteriostatic antibiotic used for several para-
                     layer of skin called the epidermis.               sitic species, including C. trachomatis.
                   Subcutaneous filariasis  The condition of filariasis is di-  Tetrachloroehtylene  Liquid used some exclusively years
                     vided into three groups according to the organs occupied   ago as an anthelmintic medication has now been replaced safer
                     (i.e., lymphatic, subcutaneous, and serous cavity filariasis).   and more effective drugs.
                     Subcutaneous filariasis is caused by Loa loa (the African   Tetrad  Term most commonly identifies a group or set of four;
                     eye worm), Mansonella streptocerca, Onchocerca volvulus,   in biology often refers to division within a spore mother cell
                     and Drancuculus medinensis (guinea worm). These worms   during meiosis as in Babesia sp. reproduction.
                     occupy the subcutaneous layer of the skin or the fatty layer.  Tetraethylene  Refers to a molecular arrangement of four
                   Subphylum   A taxonomic category that occurs between a   functional groups.
                     phylum and a class.                            Thin smear  For laboratory diagnosis of malaria, both thin and
                   Suckers  Anatomic structure on the mouthparts of parasites   thick blood smears are stained for microscopic examination.
                     that enable stronger attachment to a host.     Thoracic  The thoracic cavity is the chest cavity of the human
                   Sudden oak death disease  Caused by organisms of the   body containing the lungs and the heart.
                     kingdom Stramenopiles.                         Threadworms   The filaria of Strongyloides stercoralis are
                   Supernatant  The term for the liquid portion lying above a   called threadworms, but less often and not exclusively, the
                     layer of precipitated and insoluble material.     worms of Enterobius vermicularis are also called threadworms
                   Surra  A condition affecting mostly camels and horses and is   or seatworms.
                     caused by Trypanosoma evansi through the bites of flies.  Thready pulse  Arterial pulse, that when palpated, is fine and
                   Swimmer’s itch  A number of organisms may be responsible   barely perceptible.
                     for the condition as an itchy rash or dermatitis caused whose   Thrombocytopenia  Decrease in the absolute platelet
                     hosts are waterfowl and freshwater snails. Names ascribed to   (thrombocyte) count in the blood.
                     this condition are duck itch, cercarial dermatitis, and schisto-  Thymol  Synthetic or natural thyme oil useful in antibac-
                     some cercarial dermatitis, which is usually a short-lived im-  terial and antifungal treatments that is also used as an over-
                     mune reaction of the human skin.                  the-counter preparations for treatment of hemorrhoids, acne,
                   Symbiosis  A parasitic relationship between two or more dif-  and tinea pedis (athlete’s foot). It may be used as a stabilizer
                     ferent organisms that may but do not always benefit each of the   preservative in some preparations.
                     members.                                       Tick typhus  Any of several tick-borne rickettsial dis-
                   Syndrome  Refers to the association of a number of clini-  eases identified as the typhus group (vs. spotted group) of
                     cally identifiable features such as signs observed by medical   R. prowazekii, R. typhi, and R. Canada.
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