Page 317 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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GLOSSARY     297

                   Mesenteric veins  Blood vessel that drains blood from the   Mononucleosis  Acute infectious disease caused most fre-
                     small intestine (jejunum and ileum).              quently by the Epstein-Barr virus of the herpes virus group;
                   Metacercaria  Encysted stage of the life cycle of a trematode   characterized by swollen lymph nodes and elevated and abnor-
                     (flatworm) which occurs in an intermediate host and then in-  mal presence of lymphocytes.
                     fects the definitive host.                     Morbidity  Pertains to disease states as a statistical value of the
                   Metastasis  Change in location of a disease by movement of   number of cases in a certain population group (often accom-
                     bacteria or diseased body cells to another location.  panied by mortality rates or the number of deaths for a given
                   Metazoan  This form of life is multicellular, in comparison   disease).
                     with the protozoan, a one-celled organism.     Morphology  Structure and shape of an element, such as a
                   Methylene blue  This dye is used in a variety of staining pro-  cell or organism.
                     cedures for bacteria, cells, and parasites.    Mortality  The condition of being mortal means a susceptibil-
                   Microcrustacean copecods  Copepods are a group of small   ity to experience death.
                     crustaceans found in the sea and nearly every freshwater habi-  Motility  Ability to move from one location to another.
                     tat. These organisms are the hosts for certain stages of parasitic   Mucocutaneous   Area of the skin which contains mucus
                     development, and when eaten by fish are able to transmit the   membranes.
                     organisms to others.                           Multicellular  This term refers to the opposite of unicellular,
                   Microfilaria  Immature form of the filarial worm.   meaning that an organism is composed of more than one cell.
                   Microgametes  The male version of the gamete for conju-  Multivesicular  The term refers to numerous small vesicles
                     gation in the protozoa, specifically in the Plasmodium spp.   or blisters.
                     reproductive process.                          Mutualism  Parasitic relationship where both organisms ben-
                   Microgametocytes  The gametocytes for the male reproduc-  efit from association.
                     tive structure is the microgametocyte and the larger, the female   Myalgia  Refers to muscle pain.
                     macrogametocyte, are ingested by an Anopheles mosquito dur-  Myeloproliferative disorders  Refers to atypical prolifera-
                     ing a blood meal.                                 tion of the stem cells that provide blood production.
                   Microsporidia  Once thought to be protists, the microspo-
                     ridia are now known to be fungi and constitute a phylum of          N
                     spore-forming unicellular parasites.
                   Microvilli   Refers to an increase in the exposed surface of a   Nagana  A disease caused by Trypanosoma brucei, and which
                     living organism or cell by the presence of hair, pilli, or folds   may affect humans, horses, and other animals; transmitted by
                     that increase surface area.                       the tsetse fly.
                   Miracidia  Larvae that are free-swimming and that arise from   Nemanthelminthes  Refers to roundworms, organisms of
                     a digenetic fluke (undergoes either sexual and asexual repro-  the phylum Nemanthelminthes.
                     duction alternately). After leaving the egg, it infects a particu-  Nematodes  Refers to the parasites that are roundworms.
                     lar species of snail and becomes a sprorocyst.  Neorickettsia  This strain includes species that are coccoid or
                   Mites  Small arachnid, some of which are parasitic, and cause   pleomorphic cells found in cytoplasmic vacuoles within mono-
                     or aggravate conditions such as allergies, asthma, mange,   cytes and macrophages of dogs, horses, bats, and humans.
                     and scabies; occasionally are intermediate hosts for certain   Nephrosis  The condition is also called nephrotic syndrome
                     cestodes.                                         or nephropathy, and is a kidney disease characterized by de-
                   Mitochondrion  A rod-shaped or oval-shaped organelle of a   generative lesions of the renal tubules.
                     cell; participate in aerobic respiration of the cell.  Neurocysticercosis  Cysticercosis, which is also called neu-
                   Mode of transmission  Refers to the manner in which trans-  rocysticercosis, is the most common parasitic infestation of the
                     mission takes place (e.g., eating poorly cooked beef containing   central nervous system worldwide.
                     larvae).                                       Neutrophils  White blood cell with a segmented nucleus; re-
                   Mollusks  Invertebrate animals of the phylum Mollusca; found   sponds primarily to bacterial infections.
                     mostly in water and most often have a hard and protective outer   NHANES  National Health and Nutrition Examination
                     shell. They have a muscular foot for locomotion and a well-defined   Survey.
                     circulatory and nervous system. Mollusks include gastropods that   Nit  The egg of a louse or other parasitic insect; often visible
                     are important in parasite transmission as an intermediate host.  when head or body lice lay eggs on a hair shaft.
                   Molt  Term used to describe an activity related to growth   Norwegian scabies  A strain of scabies; a contagious ec-
                     or change of season, and means to cast or shed the feathers,   toparasite skin infection characterized by superficial burrows
                     scales, and skin.                                 and intense pruritus (itching), that is characterized by larger
                   Monogenea  Type of flatworm that lives on the outside of their   number of organisms than for other strains of the mite.
                     host. They are not free-living and always need another creature   Nucleus or nuclei  Structure(s) normally at the center of
                     to which to live.                                 a cell that contains the chromosomes with DNA and RNA
                   Mononuclear cells  Cells that have only one nucleus, or a   and is/are responsible for the cellular metabolism, growth,
                     nonsegmented nucleus.                               excretion, and production.
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