Page 314 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 314


                   Human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME)  Three tick-     host that is infected, but then is ingested by the accidental host
                     borne diseases caused by the intracellular bacteria of the genus   and therefore infected.
                     Ehrlichia have been described. Human monocytic ehrlichiosis   Incysting  To enclose or become enclosed in a cyst.
                     (HME) was first identified in 1986 and is caused by Ehrlichia   Indirect test  Testing for the evidence of an organism rather
                     chaffeensis.                                      than for the organism itself, for example, antibodies toward a
                   Hyaline shell   Clear, translucent covering of a cyst.  parasite is an indirect test in which the parasite itself was not
                   Hydatid larva (cyst)  Cyst in the tissues, especially the liver   found. Several of these are performed as indirect fluorescent
                     where development of the larvae of the dog tapeworm has been   antibody tests for parasitic diseases such as for toxoplasmosis
                     encysted; may grow for years to extremely large size.  and malarial infections.
                   Hydatid sand  Term for the hydatid cyst caused by Echinococ-  Infection  Growth of microorganisms inside the body.
                     cus granulosus, where a floating membrane or cyst may contain   Infectious jaundice  Jaundice is caused by excessive
                     possibly up to 400,000 protoscolices per milliliter of fluid.   destruction of RBCs. It occurs from infections by bacteria or
                   Hydatiform  Fluid-filled cyst that forms most often when an   viruses, and in particular the parasite responsible for malaria.
                     individual is infected by a tapeworm such as in the disease of   Infective stage  Certain stages in a parasite’s life cycle are in-
                     echinococcosis.                                   fective; in some, the larval form is infective, in others the eggs
                   Hypersensitivity reactions  The term refers to an exces-  may be infective, and for various others, spores are the infective
                     sive reaction to an allergen (antigen), which includes parasitic   stage. For some organisms, there is only one stage and that is
                     organisms; severity ranges from a mild reaction to severe sys-  the infective stage.
                     temic reactions leading to anaphylactic shock and shut down   Infestation  Growth of organisms on the body’s surface.
                     or damage to systems of the body.              Insect repellent  Agent that discourages the presence of in-
                   Hypostome  Hardened and sharp harpoon-like structure   sects but does not kill them. DEET is the most well-known of
                     found in the mouth area of some certain parasitic insects that   these repellents.
                     includes ticks and mites. The structure enables the ectopara-  Insects  Any members of the six-legged class within the arthro-
                     site to maintain a firm grip while withdrawing blood from its   pods that have a hard exoskeleton, three-part body, compound
                     victim. This mechanism is the reason for the difficulty in re-  eyes and two antennae that distinguish them from spiders and
                     moving ticks, during which the head is often left attached when   other arachnids.
                     the body is removed.                           Integument  Commonly refers to a covering that may include
                                                                       various layers and their appendages or investment and most
                                         I                             often refers to the covering of the body as the skin.
                                                                    Intermediate host  An organism in which a part of the life
                   IgE  One of the immunoglobulin classes of antibodies is that of   cycle of the parasite is spent while undergoing morphological
                     IgE (immunoglobulin E). These antibodies are found in high   changes, before it infects a definitive host.
                     concentrations in various tissue spaces and are chiefly involved   Intestinal coccidian  A common intestinal coccidian infect-
                     in ridding the body of intestinal parasites as well as reacting to   ing humans is that of I.belli. This organism causes a self-
                     allergic conditions.                              limiting diarrhea in healthy individuals and a chronic disease
                   Immunocompetent  An immunocompetent individual pos-  in those who are immunocompromised due to underlying
                     sesses the ability for the body to react normally in an immune   medical conditions or infectious diseases.
                     response to allergens.                         Intestinal fluke  These organisms are transmitted by humans
                   Immunocompromised  Refers to the inability to develop a   and pigs primarily in Asia. Fasciolopsis buski is the most com-
                     normal and limited immune response, appropriate for the situ-  mon and is called the giant intestinal fluke.
                     ation, which may be due to conditions of disease, malnutrition,   Intestinal lumen  A cavity or channel within a tube such as
                     age, or immunosuppressive medications.            the intestines is the lumen. The lumen may become constricted
                   Immunodeficient  Being immunodeficient may relate to cel-  in a variety of intestinal conditions.
                     lular (white blood cell reactions) or humoral (production of   Intracellular  Refers to a condition within the cellular mem-
                     antibodies against the offending antigen) that results in an im-  brane of the cell.
                     paired immune response; a number of conditions predispose   Intra-erythrocytic  Refers to a condition in which organ-
                     one to infections and certain malignancies.       isms or inclusions are contained within the membrane of the
                   Immunoglobulin  Refers to five classes of immune globulins   RBC. A common intra-erythrocytic parasite is that of the Plas-
                     that are gamma globulin proteins found in the blood, body flu-  modium genus responsible for malaria.
                     ids, and tissues of vertebrates as antibodies. The immune system   Intraperitoneal  Refers to the abdominal cavity and digestive
                     uses these antibodies to aid in identifications of and neutraliza-  organs of vertebrates.
                     tion of foreign bodies such as parasites, bacteria, and viruses.   Intrapleural  In humans as well as other vertebrates, the
                   Immunosuppressive  Drugs or other agents may be immuno-  pleural cavity refers to the body cavity that surrounds the lungs.
                     suppressive that inhibit or prevent activity of the immune system.   Intrauterine  Refers to “within the uterus” or womb.
                     Steroidal use is a prime example of immunosuppressive drugs.  Iron deficiency  Refers to a condition where insufficient iron
                   Incidental host  Incidental hosts may also be referred to as   in the correct form is available for the body’s needs, particu-
                     accidental; this means that the food source may be the primary   larly for hematopoiesis (manufacture of RBCs).
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