Page 310 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 310


                   Corticosteroids  Involved in a wide range of physiologic   Cysticercosis  Infection with cysticerci in tissues of the body
                     reactions such as a response to stress, regulation of inflamma-  that include subcutaneous, muscle, or central nervous system
                     tion, and the immune response to infection.       tissues.
                   Crabs  Crustaceans that live in marine environments and are   Cytoplasm  The part of the cell not including the membrane
                     capable of transmitted diseases contracted from water.  and the nucleus; the cytoplasmic appearance may be smooth,
                   Crayfish  Poorly cooked crabs or crayfish provide the basic   rough, or with inclusions, etc.
                     way of contracting the lung fluke P. westermani, primarily in   Cytoplasmic granules  Ingested cells and materials, or-
                     parts of Asia.                                    ganelles, secretory inclusions such as enzymes, proteins
                   Crohn’s disease  Inflammation of the intestine, espe-  and acids, nutrient inclusions (glycogen, lipids), pigmented
                     cially the small intestine, with swelling, redness, and loss of   granules.
                     normal bowel functions. Inflammation may be caused   Cytostome  Mouth-like opening of certain protozoa (the term
                     by the immune system attacking the body itself instead of   stoma means “mouth.”
                      foreign cells.                                Cytotoxicity  Cellular immunity where natural killer (NK)
                   Crustaceans  A small crustacean, the copecod, is a diet of fish   cells attack invading organisms; certain chemicals are also
                     and in this way may infect the fish with parasites which are in   cytotoxic, such as medications for eradicating parasites.
                     turn eaten by humans.
                   Cryotherapy  Destruction of tissue by use of extremely cold           D
                   Cryptosporidium  Protozoans comprised of at least four   Daughter forms  The process of mitosis produces two
                     species; waterborne parasites found in dirty ponds with run-  genetically identical cells to that of the parent cell, containing
                     off from areas that cattle frequent; also found frequently in   the same type and numbers of chromosomes.
                     immunosuppressed individuals, such as people with AIDS;   Dead-end hosts  Organisms termed as dead-end hosts are
                     chlorination does not alleviate the contamination; large out-  those from which infectious agents are not transmittable to
                     breaks sometimes occur where public water system is contami-  other susceptible hosts (maybe accidental hosts).
                     nated with sewage.                             Deer flies  Genus for a biting fly that transmits parasitic dis-
                   CT-scans  Computerized tomography (CT) combines a series   eases to humans and animals.
                     of X-ray views from various angles to produce cross-sections   Deer fly fever  Highly infectious disease of rodents, in partic-
                     of the bones and soft tissues inside the body.    ular squirrels and rabbits, that may be transmitted to humans
                   Culex  Genus of mosquito important as a vector for important   by ticks or flies or by handling infected animals.
                     disease organisms that include the West Nile virus, various   Deer tick  Includes several ticks of the genus Ixodes that are
                       microfilaria, Japanese and St. Louis encephalitis, as well as   parasitic for deer and other herd animals; ticks transmit infec-
                     avian malaria.                                    tious organisms of febrile diseases.
                   Cutaneous larva  Skin disease in humans that is caused by   DEET  Abbreviation for diethyltoluamide, an extremely
                     larvae of some nematode parasites; migrans most common   effective insect repellent useful in protection from vectors of
                       organism is that of Ancylostoma braziliense in North and   parasites.
                     South America.                                 Defecate  Act of elimination of solid waste products from the
                   Cyclophyllidean  Cyclophyllidea is the order for the tape-  body.
                     worms (cyclophyllidean) that includes the most important   Definitive host  This is the organism in which a parasite
                     cestode parasites of both humans and domesticated animals.   passes its adult and sexual stages of existence.
                   Cyclops  Copecod that is implicated in the transmission of   Dehydration  A condition that occurs when a body contains
                     D. medinensis organism contracted by drinking water contain-  less fluid than is adequate; can result from illness, weather con-
                     ing a copecod called a Cyclops.                   ditions to which exposed, inadequate intake, and certain medi-
                   Cyclosporiasis  Infection with the protozoan Cyclospora   cations that cause loss of body fluids.
                     cayetanensis, a pathogen transmitted by fecal matter or feces-  Dermacentor  A genus of tick (D. andersoni and D. variabilis)
                     contaminated fresh produce and water.             belonging to the order Acarina and family Ixodidae.
                   Cyst  Also means “bladder” or open cyst; may also be a sack   Dermatitis  Inflammatory skin rash usually accompanied by
                     that encloses an organism during a dormant period, such as   redness and itching.
                     in the case of certain parasites that would be destroyed in the   Desiccated  To dry out thoroughly; commonly used in
                     stomach acid if not encysted.                     laboratories as a freeze-dry process to preserve specimens and
                   Cyst form  A stage of a protozoan that is nonmotile and is sur-  control samples.
                     rounded by a protective wall; stage that is readily transmitted   Deworming  Procedure for ridding an animal of worms.
                     to new hosts; the trophozoite stage is motile but the organism   Diagnostic stage  The stage of development where an
                     may be transformed between these two stages (cyst and tro-    organism is most easily identified; (i.e., cyst or trophozoite),
                     phozoite) readily.                                larvae or ova.
                   Cysticercus  Refers to the larval form of a tapeworm, con-  Diarrhea  Extreme loss of fluids through frequent defecation
                     sisting of a single scolex that is enclosed in a bladder-like cyst   of watery feces; often related to infectious process including
                     which is also called a hydatid cyst.              certain parasitic infections.
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