Page 309 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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GLOSSARY     289

                     hookworm anemia are common causes of cardiac failure in the   Ciliates  Former class of protozoa that move by use of cilia
                     tropics.                                          (hairlike projections).
                   Carnivores  Animals whose diets are chiefly meat; scavengers   Clade  Group of related organisms that share certain genes;
                     and hunters.                                      also refers to a genetically distinct strain of a microorganism.
                   Carriers  Human or animal that harbors a pathogen which   Clay  Natural earthy material that is formable when wet; con-
                     may be parasitic and does not exhibit symptoms of an illness   sist of fine earth particles and includes hydrated silicates of
                     from the organism.                                aluminum.
                   Cartilaginous  Structural support from cartilage within   Clindomycin  Antibiotic used in the treatment of anaerobic
                     chiefly a lumen (tube).                           bacteria infections but may be used to treat malaria as well as
                   Caudal  Tail-like structure or position near the end of an organ   some other protozoal diseases.
                     or at the hindmost area of an organism.        Clononorchiasis  Disease resulting from infestation with a
                   Cellulose  Structural component of the primary cell wall of   liver fluke (Clonorchis sinensis) from eating raw fish; invades
                     green plants and many forms of algae; undigestible by humans.  bile ducts of the liver and may cause edema (swelling), liver en-
                   CDCP  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.   largement (splenomegaly), and often diarrhea.
                   Cephalic ganglion  Solid nervous tissue as a cluster that   Coccidia  A sporozoan of the order Coccidia; may be para-
                     contains many cell bodies and nerve synapses and frequently   sitic in the digestive tracts of certain animals and a cause of
                     enclosed in a tissue sheath; may function as “brain” of small   coccidiosis.
                     organisms; found in invertebrates and vertebrates.  Coccidiomycosis  Coccidiodomycosis is a disease caused by
                   Cercaria  Free-swimming stage of life cycle for some flatworms   the spores of the fungus, Coccidioides immitis, which grows on
                     and roundworms; often parasitize snails and mollusks as inter-  desert mouse droppings; also called coccidiosis or San Joaquin
                     mediate hosts before entering final host.         (pronounced Wah keen) Valley fever.
                   Cerebral cysticercosis  Infection primarily of the brain or   Coenurus larva  Taenia sp. larval form that normally infect
                     spinal cord with the larval forms of the genus Taenia, which is   rodents; but the coenurus larvae has also been reported in
                     primarily Taenia solium in humans.                Africa as infecting humans; one case reported in Texas from
                   Cestode  Group of parasitic flatworms commonly called   Mexican visitor.
                     tapeworms.                                     Colonoscopy  Endoscopic examination of the colon and the
                   Cestodiasis  Infection with tapeworms.              distal part of the small bowel with a fiber optic camera.
                   Chagas’s disease  May be called American trypanosomiasis,   Commensal  A term literally meaning “eating at the same
                     and includes North and South America; caused by infection   table,” which refers to parasitic relationships with the host;
                     with a protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi.      neither harms the other and one organism gains a benefit such
                   Charcot-Leyden   Crystallized structures of varying sizes   as nutrition.
                     that are found in feces, sputum, crystals and body tissues of   Common name  Term used to identify an organism or ob-
                     those with helminth infestations; originate from white blood   ject that does not include the scientific name of genus and
                     cells called eosiniphils and that are found as an immune re-  species.
                     sponse in allergic infections and parasitic infections.  Congenital  Disease existing at birth is a congenital disease;
                   Chelicerae  Mouth parts of certain spiders (arachnids), horse-  may be genetic in origin.
                     shoe crabs; chelicerae of spiders are pointed appendages for   Conjunctivitis  Inflammation of the conjunctival membrane,
                     grasping food or prey serve as chewing mandibles found in   or conjunctiva (mucus membrane) of the eye or eyes.
                     other arthropods.                              Constipation  Condition of the digestive system where a per-
                   Chiggers  Larvae of a type of mite found in tall grass and   son has difficulty expelling hard feces.
                     weeds, and whose bites cause severe itching; scratching may   Contractile vacuoles  Organelles (little organs) that pump
                     result in secondary bacterial infections.         accumulated fluids from protozoa (unicellular organisms) to
                   Chigoes  The chigoe flea, the smallest known flea, is also   regulate internal pressure.
                     called a “jigger” and is a parasitic arthropod found in tropical   Copecod  Small crustaceans found in the sea and most fresh-
                     climates, especially South America and the West Indies.  water habitats; drinking water containing a copecod that is
                   Chloramphenicol  Belongs to group of medicines called an-  infected with a certain parasite, such as D. meninensis. The
                     tibiotics; used for infections that are nonresponsive to other   infective larvae from the intestine of the copecod are liber-
                     antibiotics; may be carcinogenic (cancer-causing).  ated into the body of the host, and make their way to the deep
                   Chlorosis  Type of chronic anemia, primarily of young women,   tissues.
                     accompanied by a greenish-yellow skin discoloration; may be   Coplin jar  Wide-mouthed glass jars with interior walls that
                     associated with deficiency in iron and protein in part caused   are grooved and are used primarily for staining slides contain-
                     by parasitic infections.                          ing blood smears or tissue sections.
                   Chromatin  Nuclear components that stain when appropriate   Coprolites  Also known as a coprolith; is fossilized solid ani-
                     staining materials and techniques are employed.   mal wastes that give evidence of intestinal infections, diet, etc.
                   Chromatoid bodies  Bar-shaped inclusions in the cytoplasm   Coracidium  Eggs of the tapeworm are passed generally
                     that are stained but are not a part of the nuclear material, such   through feces and hatch in the water; the first larval stage, the
                     as chromatin.                                     coracidium, is produced from this hatching.
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