Page 302 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 302

282    CHAPTER 12

                                                                                                                  Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                                                             Delmar/Cengage Learning

                                                                    E. vermicularis ova, oblong, opposite side flattened
                   FIGURE 12-14  A commercially provided paddle     FIGURE 12-15  Microscopic appearance of
                   swab is placed between the anal folds of the child, where
                   pinworm ova adhere to the device                 carinii are all found in the sputum on occasion. Both ova
                                                                    and larvae may be present in a wet mount of the sputum
                                                                    of an infected individual.
                       Early in the morning, before the child rises from
                   the bed, the tongue blade-cellophane device is placed   Duodenal Aspirates
                   between the folds of the hip cheeks, at the rectum. The
                   tape is then removed and placed sticky side down against   This procedure is performed when a routine stool exami-
                   a 1 3 3-in. microscope slide. The slide is scanned on   nation for parasites returned negative results, but where
                   low power for eggs of the E. vermicularis parasite.   clinical findings indicate a possible infection with
                   A commercially provided flat swab called a paddle swab   Giardia lamblia or Strongyloides stercoralis. A test is avail-
                   is also available and can be used in lieu of the cellophane   able where a gelatin capsule attached to a weighted string
                   tape and tongue blade apparatus (see Figure 12-14).  is swallowed into the upper small intestine, and the string
                       Pinworm ova are infectious for up to several weeks   end is taped to the patient’s cheek. After 4 hours in the
                   following the laying of them, as well as are ova of other   intestine, the gelatin capsule is carefully extracted by gen-
                   helminths. Infection occurs by either airborne ova or   tly pulling the string from the patient’s mouth while the
                   accidental infection from contaminated surfaces and   gelatin remains attached to the distal portion of the string.
                   hands. Gloves should be worn for the collection, and the   Mucus that is covering the gelatin capsule is scraped off
                   supplies should all be discarded as biohazardous wastes.   and placed on a slide, where a wet mount is performed.
                   Even the microscope should be disinfected following the   Motile trophozoites should be present in cases of active in-
                   examination of a pinworm prep. Microscope slides are   fection. A portion of the sample is also placed in a fixative
                   placed in a “sharps” container due to the sharp corners   and is used in a permanent stained smear. Ova of Fasciola
                   of the glass. The ova appear as an oblong egg with one   hepatica (liver fluke) or Opisthorchis sinensis may be iden-
                   edge flattened or less rounded than the opposite side of   tified along with oocysts of Cryptosporidium or Isospora
                   an egg (see Figure 12-15).                       belli are occasionally identified from the stained specimen.

                   Sputum                                           Specimens Collected by
                                                                    Sigmoidoscopic Procedure
                   In some cases, parasites are found in sputum and may
                   be swallowed, where they enter the gastrointestinal tract   Sigmoidoscopic examinations are performed for a variety
                   before continuing the infective cycle. Entamoeba, round-  of reasons. A sigmoidoscope, a tubular lighted speculum
                   worm, hookworm, Strongyloides, and Pneumocystis   used for examining the sigmoid colon and the rectum,
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