Page 300 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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280    CHAPTER 12

                       PROCEDURE 12-5


                                                                                                                       Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                    FIGURE 12-12  Life cycle of the genus Plasmodium, the organism causing malaria

                                         Results and Reporting of Geimsa Staining Procedure
                                           1.  Stippling (dotted pattern) of the RBCs is best observed within 1 hour of
                                             collection for EDTA specimens.
                                           2.  The cytoplasm of Malaria, Babesia, trypanosomes, and leishmania stain blue,
                                             whereas nuclear material stains red.

                                           3.  The sheath of microfilaria may not be visible with the stain but the nuclei will
                                             stain blue or purple.
                                           4.  WBCs stain purple and RBCs stain pale red. Eosinophil granules will stain bright
                                             red and the granules of segmented neutrophils will be dark pink to lavender.
                                           5.  Organisms should be reported by genus and species if possible.
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