Page 301 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 301

Laboratory Procedures for Identifying Parasitic Organisms and Their Ova  281

                   QUALITY CONTROL                                  MISCELLANEOUS METHODOLOGY
                                                                    FOR RECOVERING SPECIFIC
                   As in all clinical laboratory procedures, quality con-
                   trol is paramount in order to provide accurate results.   PARASITES
                   Commercial slides may be purchased and used to fa-
                                                                    Several manual and commercial preparations are available
                   miliarize the learner or to enhance and challenge the
                                                                    for convenient recovery of specific parasites from body
                   skills of experienced parasitologists, or permanent
                                                                    sites of the human. Recovery of these organisms by the
                   slides from actual patient samples can be retained
                                                                    methods described here are specific for a limited number
                   for review. Control samples may be preserved for ex-
                                                                    of parasites. Some parasites do not lend themselves to
                   amination on a periodic basis to ensure stains are still
                                                                    being easily isolated from fecal specimens, one of which
                   viable, or when new stains are prepared. WBCs from
                                                                    is the common pinworm that infects many children. Oth-
                   a centrifuged, anticoagulated blood sample may be
                                                                    ers that are not always found in the stool are recovered
                   incorporated into the control slides for comparison.
                                                                    from certain body sites as is discussed in this section.
                   Control samples should be reviewed at least on a quar-
                                                                    Many of the following collection techniques do not re-
                   terly basis and each time new stains are prepared. The
                                                                    quire the care or elaborate preparations as the previous
                   ocular micrometer is initially calibrated for a particular
                                                                    procedures do, so a step-by-step procedure is not neces-
                   microscope and should not be transferred to another
                                                                    sary for each of these. Specimens gathered from the fol-
                   microscope due to individual differences between in-
                                                                    lowing sources are directly examined by microscope and
                   struments. Recalibration should be performed on an
                                                                    reported if found.
                   annual basis and anytime when doubt arises regarding
                   the accuracy of the calibration.
                       It is wise for those performing parasitology proce-
                   dures to maintain a familiarity with artifacts that may be   Scotch Tape Prep for Pinworms
                   encountered when examining a wet mount. Many arti-  Because pinworms and their ova are rarely recovered from
                   facts may be mistaken for parasites by the inexperienced   stool specimens, a low-tech method that has been in exis-
                   or unwary laboratory technician. Artifacts include pol-  tence for decades is described here. The life cycle of the
                   len or plant cells, WBCs and RBCs, yeasts, hair, starch   pinworm called Enterobius vermicularis entails move-
                   granules, macrophages (large white cells), and mucosal   ment from the colon to the anus, where the adult female
                   epithelium. Other areas of note are the presence of eo-  lays eggs in the perianal area. Cellophane tape is used by
                   sinophils and Charcot-Leyden crystals associated with   stretching a several inch strip over a tongue blade with
                   the breakdown of eosinophils, which are often found in   the adhesive side to the outside of the tongue blade (see
                   heavy parasitic infections. Quality control results should   Figure 12-13).
                   be recorded each time a procedure is performed and
                   out-of-control results should be accompanied by an ac-
                   tion plan that outlines the steps taken to determine the
                   cause for aberrations from the expected results.

                                                                                                                  Delmar/Cengage Learning

                     Slide with tape and label       Lift tape and loop tape              Replace tape after
                                                  over end of tongue depressor            collecting specimen
                                                    to expose sticky surface

                   FIGURE 12-13  Cellophane tape/tongue blade device for recovering pinworm ova
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