Page 296 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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276    CHAPTER 12

                       PROCEDURE 12-5


                                         Identification Procedures for Other Blood Parasites

                                         Four species of Trypanosoma may be found in human blood (Table 12-4).
                                            As with malaria, travel to endemic areas for non-malarial infections aids in identi-
                                         fication of the parasite. Trypanosoma brucei is the hemoflagellate that causes sleep-

                                         ing sickness. It is spread by the bite of the tsetse fly requiring travel to the “tsetse
                                         belt” of sub-Saharan Africa where the organism is transferred from a host such as a
                                         cow or other grazing animal. The disease is endemic to Africa and two geographically
                                         isolated strains are known. It is also possible to find other parasites, including try-

                                         panosomes, microfilaria, Babesia spp., and Leishmania on the blood smears stained
                                         by the procedures outlined here. If parasites are not found in the initial blood speci-
                                         men/smears, it is advisable to take additional thick and thin smears every 6 to 8 hours,
                                         for as long as 48 hours if necessary, regardless of the parasite suspected.

                                         Filariasis Detection
                                         For cases of blood parasites where microfilariae would be in the blood, initial scan-

                                         ning of a stained smear at 10-power should reveal the presence of this form of para-
                                         site. Patient history including travel is also help ful. If filariasis is probable based on

                                         the clinical history, both diurnal (day) and nocturnal (night) collections of blood are
                                         necessary to allow for differences in the activity of the various species.

                        TABLE 12-4  Species of blood parasites, how they are transmitted and the diseases caused

                        ORGANISM               TRANSMISSION                      DISEASE CAUSED
                        Plasmodium spp.        Mosquito bite                     Malaria
                        Babesia                Tick bite                         Babesiosis
                        Trypanosoma brucei     Tsetse fly bite                   African sleeping sickness,
                        Trypanosoma cruzi      Reduviid bug bite contaminated with   Chagas disease, American
                                               bug’s infected feces              trypanosomiasis
                        Wuchereria bancrofti   Mosquito bite                     Filariasis, elephantiasis

                        Brugia spp.            Mosquito bite                     Filariasis, elephantiasis
                        Leishmania donovani    Sand fly bite                     Visceral leishmaniasis, Kala azar,
                                                                                 dumdum fever
                        Toxoplasma gondii      Ingestion of oocysts, eating  under-  Toxoplasmosis
                                               cooked infected meat, congenital
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