Page 298 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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278    CHAPTER 12

                       PROCEDURE 12-5


                                                                                                                 Delmar/Cengage Learning

                                         FIGURE 12-10  Demonstration of two methods of preparing thick blood smears, directly
                                         from finger puncture and triangular pattern of blood on slide

                                                                                                                 Delmar/Cengage Learning

                                         FIGURE 12-11  Image of both thin- and thick-stained blood smears on same slide

                                         Staining the Thin Smears
                                           1.  For thin smears, place a drop of blood on a slide, and, using another slide,
                                             streak out the blood as in making a differen tial smear. It is important to use a
                                             technique that will result in a good feathered edge. Allow to air-dry.
                                           2.  When staining the thin smear, it is advantageous to have a positive control slide
                                             that is stained with all malaria specimens when available.

                                           3.  Dip the thin slide in a Coplin jar of Absolute Methanol five times, 1 second per dip.
                                           4.  Place the slide in a Coplin jar of Wright-Giemsa Stain (Quick-Stain) for 10 seconds.
                                           5.  Place slide in a Coplin jar of distilled water for 20 seconds or more to effect a more
                                             desired color balance. This may take practice and experience to perfect this step.
                                           6.  Drain the slide and allow to air-dry in an upright position, by standing the slide
                                             on its end. There are special racks available for this step.
                                         Staining the Thick Smears
                                           1.  Place slide on a flat surface, such as a rack over a sink.

                                           2.  Carefully overlay the entire slide with distilled water.
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