Page 295 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Laboratory Procedures for Identifying Parasitic Organisms and Their Ova  275

                                                                               Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                               FIGURE 12-8  Malarial parasites in blood smears.
                               Micrograph of Giemsa-stained thin smear showing a
                               Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte (bottom, double arrow)
                               and several ring forms within erythrocytes (arrows).

                    TABLE 12-3  Fever cycles characteristic of malaria species that infect humans

                    SPECIES                 DISEASE CAUSED           PAROXYSMS
                    P. vivax                Benign tertian malaria   Every 48 hours
                    P. ovale                Ovale malaria            Every 48 hours
                    P. malariae             Quartan malaria          Every 72 hours
                    P. falciparum           Malignant malaria        Every 36 to 38 hours

                   recurs periodically), each of the merozoite-filled red blood cells (RBCs) rupture
                   releasing 12 to 24 free merozoit es and malarial pigment into the blood stream.
                   Merozoites are formed by asexual reproduction through the breaking up of a
                   schizont (another stage in asexual reproduction of some protozoans) and invade
                   other red blood cells. These stages are ingested into the Anopheles mosquito in
                   cases of malaria, where they mature into gametocytes that reproduce in the
                   mosquito’s blood.

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