Page 325 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 325

sarcoplasmic reticulum

                   When  muscle  contracts,  I  and  H  bands  shorten,  whereas  A  bands  stay  the
                   Muscle contraction and shortening draw Z lines closer together and shorten

               CARDIAC MUSCLE

                   Located in the heart and large vessels attached to the heart

                   Cross-striations of actin and myosin form similar I bands, A bands, and Z
                   lines as in skeletal muscle
                   Characterized  by  dense  junctional  complexes  called  intercalated  discs  that
                   contain gap junctions

                   Contain one or two central nuclei; fibers are shorter and show branching
                   T tubules are located at Z lines and are larger in skeletal muscle
                   The sarcoplasmic reticulum is less well developed than in skeletal muscles
                   Mitochondria are larger and more abundant in cardiac fibers

                   Gap  junctions  couple  all  fibers  for  rhythmic  contraction  and  form  the
                   functional syncytium
                   For  contraction,  calcium  is  imported  from  outside  the  cell  and  from  the
                   sarcoplasmic reticulum

                   Exhibit autorhythmicity and spontaneously generate stimuli
                   The autonomic nervous system innervates the heart and influences heart rate
                   and blood pressure

               SMOOTH MUSCLE

                   Found in hollow organs and blood vessels

                   Zonula  adherens  binds  muscle  cells,  whereas  gap  junctions  provide
                   functional coupling
                   Contain actin and myosin filaments without cross-striation patterns
                   Fibers are fusiform in shape and contain single central nuclei

                   In intestines, muscles are arranged in concentric layers and in blood vessels
                   in a circular pattern
                   Actin  and  myosin  filaments  are  present,  but  they  do  not  show  regular
                   arrangement or striations

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