Page 326 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 326

Actin and myosin form lattice network, and they insert into dense bodies in

                   sarcoplasm and cytoplasm
                   Dense bodies contain α-actinin and other Z-disc proteins
                   The sarcoplasmic reticulum is not well developed for calcium storage
                   Sarcolemma contains invaginations called caveolae
                   Caveolae may control influx of calcium into the cell after stimulation

                   Following  stimulation,  calcium  enters  sarcoplasm  from  the  caveolae  and
                   sarcoplasmic reticulum
                   Calmodulin,  a  calcium-binding  protein,  stimulates  actin  and  myosin

                   Actin and myosin contract muscle by a sliding mechanism similar to skeletal
                   Connection of dense bodies with adjacent cells transmits force of contraction
                   to all cells

                   Exhibit spontaneous activity and maintain tonus in hollow organs
                   Peristaltic contractions propel contents in the organs
                   Gap  junctions  couple  muscles  and  allow  ionic  communication  between  all

                   Innervated  by  postganglionic  neurons  of  sympathetic  and  parasympathetic
                   Involuntary muscles regulated by autonomic nervous system, hormones, and

               Review Questions


                   In the following multiple-choice questions, choose the letter corresponding
               to the one best answer.

                 1.    What  is  the  difference  between  T  tubules  in  skeletal  and  cardiac

                       A.    There  is  no  difference  in  T  tubules  between  the  different  striated


                       B.  T tubules are larger and store more calcium in skeletal muscles.

                       C.  T tubules in cardiac muscles are branched.

                       D.  T tubules are larger in cardiac muscles than in the skeletal muscle.

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