Page 323 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 323

Three muscle types are skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle

                   All muscles show similarities and differences
                   All muscles are composed of elongated cells called fibers
                   Muscle cytoplasm is sarcoplasm, and muscle cell membrane is sarcolemma
                   Muscle  fibers  contain  myofibrils  made  of  contractile  proteins  actin  and


               SKELETAL MUSCLE

                   Fibers are multinucleated with peripheral nuclei
                   Multiple nuclei are because of the fusion of mesenchyme myoblasts during
                   embryonic development
                   Each muscle fiber is composed of myofibrils and myofilaments

                   Actin and myosin filaments form distinct cross-striation patterns
                   Light  I  bands  contain  thin  actin,  and  dark  A  bands  contain  thick  myosin

                   Dense  Z  line  bisects  I  bands;  between  Z  lines  is  the  contractile  unit,  the
                   Accessory proteins align and stabilize actin and myosin filaments
                   Titin protein anchors myosin filaments, and α-actinin binds actin filaments to
                   Z lines

                   Titin centers, positions, and acts like a spring between myosin and Z lines
                   The  protein  nebulin  anchors  thin  filaments  to  Z  lines  and  regulates  actin
                   filament length

                   The  protein  desmin  links  myofibrils  at  Z  lines  and  attaches  them  to  the
                   Muscle is surrounded by connective tissue epimysium
                   Muscle fascicles are surrounded by connective tissue perimysium
                   Each muscle fiber is surrounded by connective tissue endomysium

                   Voluntary muscles are under conscious control
                   Neuromuscular  spindles  are  specialized  stretch  receptors  in  almost  all
                   skeletal muscles

                   Intrafusal fibers and nerve endings are found in spindle capsules
                   Stretching  of  muscle  produces  a  stretch  reflex  and  movement  to  shorten

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