Page 324 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 324

Transmission  Electron  Microscopy  of  Skeletal


                   Light bands are I bands and are formed by thin actin filaments
                   I bands are crossed by dense Z lines
                   Between Z lines is the smallest contractile unit of muscle, the sarcomere

                   Dark bands are A bands and are located in the middle of sarcomere
                   A bands are formed by overlapping actin and myosin filaments
                   M bands in the middle of A bands represent linkage of myosin filaments

                   H bands on each side of M bands contain only myosin filaments
                   The sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria surround each sarcomere

               Functional Correlations of Skeletal Muscles

                   Skeletal  muscles  are  voluntary,  are  under  conscious  control,  and  contract
                   only when stimulated
                   Motor  endplates  are  the  sites  of  nerve  innervations  and  transmission  of
                   stimuli to muscle

                   Axon terminals of motor endplates contain vesicles with the neurotransmitter
                   Action potential releases acetylcholine into synaptic cleft
                   Acetylcholine combines with its receptors on muscle membrane

                   Acetylcholinesterase  neutralizes  acetylcholine  and  prevents  further
                   Before  arrival  of  impulse,  calcium  is  stored  in  the  sarcoplasmic  reticulum
                   bound to the protein calsequestrin

                   Sarcolemma invaginations into each myofiber form T tubules
                   Expanded  terminal  cisternae  of  the  sarcoplasmic  reticulum  and  T  tubules
                   form triads
                   Triads are located at A–I junctions in mammalian skeletal muscles

                   Stimulus for muscle contraction is carried by T tubules to every myofiber,
                   myofibril, and sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane
                   After  stimulation,  the  sarcoplasmic  reticulum  releases  calcium  ions  into

                   Calcium  activates  the  binding  of  actin  and  myosin,  causing  muscle
                   contraction and shortening
                   After the end of the stimulus, calcium is actively transported and stored in the

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