Page 539 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 539


                   Developing teeth found in dental alveolus in the jawbone
                   Downward growth from oral epithelium forms dental lamina and gives rise to
                   Mesenchyme gives rise to dental papilla and odontoblasts

                   Odontoblasts secrete dentin, whereas ameloblasts produce enamel of tooth


                   Parotid,  submandibular,  and  sublingual  are  major  salivary  glands  that
                   produce saliva
                   Composed of secretory acini and excretory ducts that bring saliva into oral

                   Cells  are  serous  or  mucous;  serous  cells  form  serous  demilunes  around
                   mucous acini
                   Contractile myoepithelial cells surround serous and mucous acini and part of

                   intercalated ducts
                   Serous, mucous, and mixed secretory acini empty secretions into intercalated
                   Intercalated  ducts  merge  into  larger  striated  ducts  with  basal  membrane

                   Striated  ducts  form  larger  interlobular  ducts  that  empty  into  interlobar
                   excretory ducts
                   Glands produce about 1 L of saliva per day, which is mostly water

                   Saliva formed after autonomic stimulation
                   Saliva  contains  electrolytes  and  carbohydrate-digesting  enzyme  salivary
                   Saliva contains antibodies produced by plasma cells and lysozyme to control

                   oral bacteria
                   Saliva  is  modified  by  transport  of  ions  as  it  passes  intercalated  ducts  and
                   striated ducts
                   Striated  ducts  absorb  sodium  and  chloride  from  saliva,  whereas  potassium

                   and bicarbonate ions are added to produce hypotonic saliva

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