Page 615 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 615

Overlying  Peyer  patches  are  specialized  M  cells,  which  are  not  found

                   anywhere else in the intestine
                   Peyer  patches  and  the  lymphatic  aggregations  are  part  of  gut-associated
                   lymphatic tissue (GALT)
                   M cells show deep invaginations or microfolds that contain macrophages and

                   M  cells  sample  intestinal  antigens  and  present  them  to  underlying
                   lymphocytes for immunologic responses

               LARGE INTESTINE

                   Situated between anus and the terminal end of ileum
                   Shorter and less convoluted than small intestine

                   Consists  of  cecum  and  ascending,  transverse,  descending,  and  sigmoid
                   Semifluid chyme enters through ileocecal valve
                   At terminal end, semifluid residues become hardened or semisolid feces

                   Main function is the absorption of water and electrolytes
                   Epithelium consists of simple columnar epithelium with increased number of
                   goblet cells
                   Goblet cells produce mucus for lubricating the canal to facilitate passage of

                   No enzymes or chemicals produced, but enteroendocrine cells are present in
                   the epithelium
                   No plicae circulares, villi, or Paneth cells; intestinal glands are deeper

                   Increased  numbers  of  solitary  lymphatic  nodules  with  cells  are  present  in
                   lamina propria
                   Muscularis externa contains inner circular layer with outer layer arranged in
                   three strips, the taeniae coli

                   Contractions of taeniae coli form sacculations or haustra

               Review Questions


               In the following multiple choice questions, choose the letter corresponding to the
               one best answer.

   610   611   612   613   614   615   616   617   618   619   620