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                                                                                                                                                               The May Fourth Movement in 1919 played a revolutionary role in Chinese calligraphy and painting.
                                                                                                                                                             Cheng proposed the slogan of "Art Revolution", while Chen Duxiu, said, "The Paintings of Wang (Wang
                                                                                                                                                             Shigu) must be first toppled." Such thoughts have exerted a great shock to the world of calligraphy and
                                                                                                                                                             painting. After Cai Yuanpei proposed the educational thought of aesthetics and educational policies and
                  Proliferation of great fruit of new offspring from old branches                 ––                                                         subsequent sentiment from those who, study western paintings in Japan during the late Qing Dynasty, some

                  Impressive Scenario of Chinese Calligraphy and                                                                                             innovative young painters, influenced by new ideas, rushed off to Europe to study western painting. After
                                                                                                                                                             returning home, they ran schools with western art education ideas and methods under national laws, but they
                  Painting in Modern and Contemporary Times
                                                                                                                                                             encountered serious mental conflicts with stubborn simulation to ancient people. Lin Feng-mian once said
                  and having viewed all mountains                                                                                                            that, “after Qing dynasty, almost all could not have times air or have distinct style, till to modern times, Chinese

                                                                                                                                                             painting almost had no chance to live.” However, Xu Beihong who lived in France suggested at the "Reform
                                                                                           Kejing Chang                                                      Essay on Chinese Painting" that "keep up the good ancient painting technique, get rid of the stale and bring
                                                                           Chair Professor , Fudan University                                                forth the fresh, and incorporate good western painting styles." Lin Fengmian also said that, "amongst the
                                                                                                                                                             complex nature, one must seek character, quality, and comprehensive color presentations and must reform
                                                                                                                                                             painting raw materials, techniques, and methods, emphasizing that they must be done scientifically. Therefore,
                    Chinese calligraphy and painting had become a spent arrow t until the 18th century, even though people                                   from Lingnan Gao Jianfu , Gao Qifeng , Chen Shuren to uncontrollable new ideas and practices by Lin
                  back then t worked desperately to bring change with the weak and vulgar painting by the four Wangs, and                                    Fengmian , Xu Beihong , Cai Yuanpei , and Fu Lei , and so as art ideas based on traditional knowledge by
                  restriction by gallery style, it is a dead pool of water without a fresh source. On the other hand, the Eight                              Huang Binhong , Pan Tianshou , Chinese traditional painting has acquired new developments and trends, in
                  Eccentrics of Yangzhou (north of Tai Lake) breathed new life into calligraphy and painting in succession                                   search of self-discovery, in experiment, and self-examination. Furthermore, tradition, literature, painting style,
                  of the ideal techniques from Bada Shan-ren, Shi-tao or Xu Wei, and Baiyang. Nevertheless, along with the                                   material, ink color, color painting, style, topics, ideas, experiences, and innovation are always influencing trends
                  death of Luoping (the last painter) of the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou in 1799, it signifies that the group of                            and developments of Chinese calligraphy and painting, even during modern and contemporary times. As such,
                  calligraphy and painting artists with unique character has again turned muted and depressed.                                               many great artists have exhibited great works spurred by such innovative and traditional ideas, thus succeeding
                                                                                                                                                             as an immortal role and influential force in the history of Chinese art.
                    In the 80s of the 19th century, with the development of textology study style during Qianlong and Jiaqing
                  intellectuals have themed upon their work for model after late Ming for ancient source while that of the Eight
                  Eccentrics of Yangzhou in recent days. Along with the elegance of Epigraphy, and the hold on by philology                                    On this occasion, since most great works of calligraphy and painting are collected privately so that it is
                  and version study. Painters are good at calligraphy and painting, while painting is done using measures of                                 difficult to acquire original works for simulation for the community and schools. With luck, I had come to
                  calligraphy brush strokes, thus rendering calligraphy style sophisticate and diversified. Furthermore, with seal                           encounter with Lin Guanghuei with pleasure, who joined Chang Chunghong and Chang Fangmin jointly
                  cutting and exquisite calligraphy papers perfected as well as were exquisite decorations, Chinese calligraphy and                          found the Crystal Museum in order to make public of many family art works. Thus, it offers a chance to
                  painting is freed from stubborn habits and restriction, and has begun to blossom everywhere!                                               the mass to appreciate the splendor of the physical works in front of them, and the museum will be further
                                                                                                                                                             dedicated to uphold academic research, provide the community society and learners with opportunity for
                    At the end of the 19th century in Shanghai, western art has gradually moved to the east of Zhejiang and                                  physical visits and consultation. To further expand the impact of exhibition, works displayed upon themes
                  Shanghai, including western painting ideas and techniques. To some extent, pigment has affected Chinese                                    are compiled into album for promotion. For the very first exhibition at the establishment of the Crystal
                  painters, while the fun of Epigraphy and watercolor dyeing allow for free presentation on Chinese painting                                 Museum, the top-ten artists in China’s modern and contemporary times are represented, and their calligraphy
                  paper. At the same time, China’s economy and are found mostly focused at Yangtze River Delta, so innovations                               and painting elaborate the great development of painting and art that provide rare aesthetic examples for
                  of calligraphy and paintings have exerted significant impact all over China. As such, though painters make                                 appreciation by students and the public.
                  great efforts to paint with pen, water, ink, pigment, and paper, they have gradually distanced themselves from
                  traditional Chinese painting ideas and techniques and sought for their own topics and styles. Nevertheless, the                                                                     Written under the western window at Linglong Hill Chamber
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kejing Chang
                  works finished at the end remain loyal the aesthetic interest of Chinese calligraphy and painting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         18 April 2018.

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