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84                                                                 Chapter 2

                                       =  0                         (2.87)
                                             − +/
        The induced by the shifted wall magnetic moment is proportional to the shift of the domain
        wall. Therefore, the extra magnetic moment appeared by the wall shift is  = 2 . If so
        (check 1.90),
                                   =   +  =  �1 +  �           (2.88)
                                                     − +/
        Here   = �2 (   ) is the magnetic plasma frequency and  = �    is the
        resonance frequency of the domain wall oscillation. Explicitly, the factor in the parenthesis of
        (2.88) is the relative complex magnetic constant
                                 () =  () −  () = 1 +    (2.89)
                                               2  2
                                                           − +/
        Note that this equity is the exact copy of (2.79). Therefore, with some mild modification Figure
        2.5.4 reflects the ferrite frequency dependence too. The main alteration is the frequency scale.
                                                  Because of strong interaction between spin
                                                  magnetic moments, the relaxation time 
                                                  in ferrites is the order 10 −7  ÷ 10 [s] that
                                                  is  much longer than in pure metals and
                                                  dielectrics. Eventually, the relaxation
                                                  resonance angular frequency    = 1/
                                                   shifts to the frequencies of (1.5  –  15)
                                                  MHz depending on ferrite composite.
                                                  Since around this  frequency, the lossy
                                                  component   ()  reaches its  maximum
                                                  (see  Figure  2.6.7)  and  the  real
          Figure 2.6.7 Complex magnetic permeability   part  () drops significantly  while  the
                       vs. frequency              absorbance restricts the ferrite applications
                                                  at frequencies above 10MHz.  In general,
        the constants  ,   and  in (2.30) are estimated experimentally by measuring the complex
        magnetic permeability shown in Figure 2.6.7 [24] over broad frequency range.
        The  plots  in Figure 2.6.7 are typical  for non-magnetized high permeability  Ni-Zn (Ni1-
        xZnxFe2O4, 0 ≤  ≤ 1) ferrites used as a transformer core in Switching Mode Power Supplies
        (SMPS) and many others devices at frequencies up to 10MHz. In SMPS, the input voltage
        signal is rectified and then switched as regular pulses (typically rectangular) at a high frequency
        to feed into a ferrite transformer. Higher frequency means the reduction in transformer core size
        and mass that mainly defines the size and mass of SMPS.  Finally, the signal after transformer
        is rectified again to provide the required voltage and power.  The reader can find  more
        information about transformers later in this chapter.
        2.6.6   Ferroelectrics
        Actually, there  are no principle differences between  ferroelectrics  and ferrimagnetics.  The
        ferroelectrics are the  electrical  analog of the  ferrimagnetics and, subsequently,  the
        spontaneously polarized domains in ferroelectrics are similar to show in Figure 2.6.2. In the
        ferroelectric state, the center of positive charge of the crystal does not coincide with the center
        of negative charge, and a ferroelectric crystal exhibits an electric dipole moment even in the
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