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172                                                                Chapter 4

        As expected, all these solutions vanish as || → ∞. Evidently, the function   1    in (4.32) and
                                                                     |− |
        (4.33) describes the field created by a unit point-source located at position  . Therefore,
                                       (,  ) =  1
                                                |− |  ⎫
                                      1          ′    ′  ′
                                                   () =  ∫ (,  )   ( )                                    (4.34)
                                    4 0    
                                      0    ′    ′  ′ ⎪
                               () =  ∫ (,  )  ( )   ⎭
                                      4    ′  
        The function (,  ) is called static free-space Green’s function and named after the British
        physicist George Green who first introduced it in the 1830s.
        4.1.8   Wave Equation. One-Dimensional Unbounded Space
        Following the brief moment of amusement that we have succeeded and solved such complicated
        equations as (4.24) let us transit to the more complex non-static case. To avoid too general
        discussion, we will start from wave equation (4.22) in free-of-current sources space (i.e.    =
        0) assuming that the vector (, ) = [ (, ), 0, 0] is parallel to the -axis and depends on
        space variables  and time  only. Then according to (4.22)
                                                                  (,)  −  1    (,)  = 0                                           (4.35)
                                        2    2   2
        Note that (4.35) is invariant under the transformation  → −. If so, we can expect as minimum
        two identical solutions, one with t as the variable and the second with –t. The equation (4.35)
        can be formally represented (factorized) as a product of two factors

                     1     1        
                         �  −  � �  +  �  (, ) =   (, ) = 0                    (4.36)
                               (−) (+)
        Eventually, the general solution of (4.36) must satisfy two equations simultaneously
                                         1 (,)
                                               = 0
                                                                          (−)  �                                                       (4.37)
                                         2 (,)
                                               = 0
        Moreover, it can  be written  as the superposition of two arbitrary continuous and twice
        differentiable functions . Meanwhile, the first function   depends on  − ́ only and the
        second one   on  + ́ only
                                    (, ) =  ( − ́) +  ( + ́)                                   (4.38)
        Here   ( − ́)  and   ( + ́)  are the arbitrary functions in   , ́ =  −  ,    is the
        origin where the source of energy can be located and  is the observer position. As it was
        predicted, this solution is invariant under transformation  → − and was published by French
        scientist Jean le Rond d ’Alembert in 1747 and carries his name.
        According to (4.38) the differential equation (4.35) yields an infinite set of functions. To get
        the unique solution, we need to formulate some additional conditions in space or time domain.

        2  Belong to class of function  , in short notation.
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