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196                                                       ANTENNA BASICS

                                       Chapter Contents

         Introduction                     197     5.3.5   Multiple Input Multiple Output
                                                          (MIMO) Radar System     230
         5.1    EM WAVE                           5.3.6   5G (Fifth-Generation) Wireless
                POLARIZATION             198              Network and “Golden Rush”  of
         5.1.1   Classification  of Common                MIMO                    231
                Polarization             198
         5.1.2   Co- and Cross-Polarization       5.4     ANTENNA ARRAY
         5.1.3   Twisted EM Waves        201              FACTOR                  234
         5.1.4   How Can Antenna                  5.4.1   Introduction            234
                Polarization Be Chosen?    203    5.4.2   Basics of Linear Array
                                                          Analysis                236
         5.2    ANTENNA                           5.4.3   Pattern Multiplication    238
                PARAMETER                207                Basics of Linear Array
         5.2.1   Introduction            207              Synthesis               238
         5.2.2   Radiation Resistance and         5.4.5   Phasor-Vector Interpretation
                Lumped Equivalent Circuit                 of Array Pattern        242
                of Antenna               207      5.4.6   Linear Arrays with
         5.2.3   Return Loss             209              Progressive Phase
         5.2.4   Antenna Quality Factor                   Distribution and Their Feed    245
                (Q factor), Bandpass and          5.4.7   Radiation of Linear Array with
                Radiation Efficiency     210              Progressive Phase Excitation    247
         5.2.5   Near-field Zone vs. Far field    5.4.8   Continuous Linear Array    249
                Zone                     211
         5.2.6   Radiation Pattern. Main          5.5     BEAM STEERING
                Beam, Beamwidth, and                      TECHNIQUES              251
                Sidelobes                214      5.5.1   Introduction            251
         5.2.7   Sidelobes Specification.         5.5.2   Linear Array Beam Steering    251
                Grating Lobes            217      5.5.3   Grating Lobe vs. Beam
         5.2.8   Antenna Noise Temperature219             Steering                252
         5.2.9   TEM Waves in Far field           5.5.4   True Time Delay (TTD)
                Zone                     221              Steering                254
         5.2.10   Directivity and Gain    221     5.5.5   Frequency Scan          256
         5.2.11   Antenna Effective Aperture    223   5.5.6   Within-Pulse Scan
         5.2.12   Directivity, Effective                  Technique               257
                Aperture and HPBW        225      5.5.7   Synthetic Aperture Radar
         5.2.13   G/T Parameter          225              (SAR)                   258
         5.2.14   Antenna Factor         225      5.5.8   Linear Array with Multiple
         5.2.15   Antenna Power Handling    226           Simultaneous Beams      260

         5.3    SYSTEM                            5.6     PLANAR AND
                REQUIREMENTS AND                          CONFORMAL ARRAYS        261
                ANTENNA GAIN             226        5.6.1   Planar Arrays         261
         5.3.1   Introduction            226      5.6.2   Conformal Arrays        268
         5.3.2   Path Loss (Friis                 5.6.3   Effect of Beam Focusing    267
                Transmission Formula)
                and EIRP                 226      REFERENCES                      270
         5.3.3   Monostatic Radar Equation    228
         5.3.4   Bistatic Radar Equation    229
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