Page 242 - Maxwell House
P. 242

222                                                       ANTENNA BASICS

        First of all, we need to estimate the power radiated by an ideal isotropic point-size radiator at
        distance r in a far field zone. From the energy conservation law, it follows that the total power
          radiated by this free-of-loss antenna is equal to the power    =   delivered to it by the
        source generator. It is reasonable to assume that the surrounding antenna medium is free-of-
        loss. Then the total power    accumulated  within any of sphere shown in Figure 5.2.6a is
        constant and independent of  the radius of sphere. Eventually, the radial component of
        Poynting’s vector crossing the unit area of the sphere and the radiated power

                                          1   2
                                          0   2  �                        (5.42)
                                                4  2
                                 = ∯  ∘  =   0   
        Here 4  is the whole sphere surface and    = . is the intensity of electric field
        created in point  by an isotropic radiator. Therefore, according to (5.42)
                                         2         Σ  0                (5.43)
        The total power radiated by some free-of-loss directional antenna is defined by the integral in
        (3.18) and the equity (5.30). Using both we obtain

                           2           2              2
                           0  2    |(,)|   0  2  
            = ∯  ∘  =  ∫  ∫   sin =  ∫  ∫ |(, )| sin (5.44)
                       0  0  0   2        0  0  0
        If so, the square of electric field intensity emitted and arrived at to the same observation spot is
                                          =  2     Σ  0                                             (5.45)
                                        ∫  ∫ |(,)| sin
                                         0  0
        Note that   in (5.30) was chosen as the peak magnitude of the antenna main beam. Now we
        can estimate how good a direction antenna is by comparing (5.43) with (5.45) and introducing
        the antenna peak directivity D as the ratio
                                     0         4
                                 =   =  2                          (5.46)
                                   2   ∫  ∫ |(,)| sin
                                     0  0
        On the other hand, antenna directivity can be defined in any arbitrary direction ( ,  ) as
                                                2              2
                                        4|( 0 , 0 )|  2|( 0 )|
                         ( ,  ) =  2    =               (5.47)
                                    ∫  ∫ |(,)| 2  sin  ∫ |()| 2  sin
                                    0  0                0
        Here the second more simple equation describes the directivity of the antenna with rotationally
        symmetrical around  z-axis pattern,  i.e.  independent on  -coordinate. Evidently, the
        dimensionless parameter  demonstrates how much more power some antenna delivers to the
        observation point in comparison to an isotropic  antenna  emitting  the same power as a
        directional antenna. Note that the directivity in (5.47) is regularly measured in decibels relative
        to isotropic or in shorthand [dBi]
                                        [dBi] = 10 log 10                (5.48)
        Since the relative directivity of the isotropic radiator is 1 or 0 dBi, any antenna with  > 1 can
        be defined as directional. The elemental electric or magnetic dipole are slightly directional
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