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            space, we can connect two separated points by an infinite number of different ways of different
            length and produce, at first glance, different amount of work. It is true, except the case of
                                              electrostatic, i.e. independent of time electric fields.
                                              We  will come back to this topic later.  Note  in
                                              conclusion// that a unit of energy commonly used in
                                              physics is the electron-volt [eV] defined as the
                                              energy gained or lost by single electron or proton
                                              when it moves through a potential difference of 1
                                              Volt, 1 [eV] = 1.60 ∙ 10 −19  [J].

              Figure 1.6.2 Line of force, electric   1.6.3   Line of Force
                 vector direction and strength   Equation (1.21) tells us that  the  monopole sensor
                                              continuously borrows the maximum energy from a
            given electric field and faster increases its kinetic energy if the scalar product  ∘  =  ∙ .
            In other words, the electric field vector must be tangential to the contour L at any point of L.
            One of this kind contour L, shown in Figure 1.6.2, is called the imaginary line of force if

            1.  The magnitude of electric field is constant ( = const.) along the contour L.
            2.  The tangent at any point to it gives the direction of the E-field vector   or   at the point
               P or .
            3.  E-field lines begin at positive charges and end at negative charges (see Figure 1.6.3). The
               number of lines beginning or ending on any particular charge is proportional to the charge

            Note some additional evident properties of lines of force (Figure 1.6.2):

            1.  Two lines never intersect or touch. Think why.
            2.  At every position, the magnitude of the E-field is proportional to the field line density, i.e.
               they are closer (congested) where E-field is stronger and the lines spread out where the E-
               field is weaker. Thus, the relative closeness of the lines in some area is the evidence of the
                                                           higher intensity of fields, i.e. | | >
                                                           | |.
                                                           3. In a uniform field, the lines of
                                                           force are straight parallel  and
                                                           uniformly spaced.
                                 a)                   b)
                                                           Figure 1.6.3  illustrates the lines of
               Figure 1.6.3 Lines of E-force around a) point-like   force nearby the point-like charges.
                           charges, b) dipole              The perfectly straight green arrows
                                                           in Figure 1.6.3a demonstrate the
            structure of the electric fields from the single positive charge or monopole, while the yellow
            arrows in Figure 1.6.3b show the same but for the dipole shown in Figure 1.4.1. The higher
            density of arrows close to the charge corresponds to higher electric field strength there. By
            definition, the force lines start on positive charges and all finish on infinity if the charge is alone
            (Figure 1.6.3a) and partially on the negative charge (Figure 1.6.3b) in the case of the dipole.
            Eventually, the line of force density is maximum nearby the charges. Unfortunately, though

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