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20                                                                 Chapter 1

        electric force Δ  pushing or pulling this motionless ( = 0) at the starting moment of time
        sensor is equal to

                                    Δ = Δ  = Δ                  (1.17)
        where the vector of electric field strength  manifests itself only by the forces exerted upon the
        sensor. In other words,  we can define  fields as the  way in  which forces are spread across
        distances.  In accordance  with Newton’s third law (for every action there is an equal and
        opposite  reaction)  this  action-at-a-distance  is  reciprocal.  The  sensor  influences  on  the
        distribution of electrical field sources by pushing and pulling them too. To avoid this impact
        and to be more precise we can redefine the vector  in (1.17) as a limit in macroscopic sense

                                          −2           −1
                     = lim ∆ Δ =    [(kg ∙ m ∙ s )/(A ∙ s) = V ∙ m ]             (1.18)
                        Δ  →0  
        The symbol Δ → 0 means that both the charge and object carrying the charge is lessened
        together, at the same rate. Let allow the monopole sensor to move freely under electric force
        influence assuming that the sensor speed   is low enough and thereby the additional force
        exerted by magnetic field in (1.11) is negligible. The laws of mechanics [11] tell us that the
        energy required for this movement from some starting point 1 to end point 2 along the contour
        L shown in Figure 1.6.1 is equal to
                             = ∫  ∘   [(kg ∙ m ∙ s ) ∙ m = [J = W ∙ s]            (1.19)
        Accordingly, the energy conservation law dictates that all this kinetic energy of movement must
        be delivered by the electric field . Therefore,
                                       Δ = Δ ∫  ∘                   (1.20)
        Since the energy Δ  is the measurable quantity, the expression (1.20) provides the mean for
        the electric field strength valuation.
        1.6.2   Electric Potential
        In order to undo the dependence of measured energy from the sensor charge value Δ  let
        introduce using (1.20) the energy   normalized to the test charge quantity defining the electric
        potential in volts
                                            Δ   2
                                         =  = ∫  ∘   [V]          (1.21)
                                            Δ   1
        that equal the amount of work done by shifting a unit positive point-like charge down the path.
        It turns out that the line integral in (1.21) and thus the potential depends on the position of two
        different points, starting and ending.  Therefore,  electric  potential  measurement is always
        relative  and  shows the  difference  in potential between two  distinct  points  in  the same or
        different regions. One way to fix this problem of uncertainty is to shift the end point to infinity
        where any meaning potential must vanish and define the absolute potential. Theoretically, it is
        quite acceptable but certainly not practical. So electrical engineers decided to set our Earth’s
        potential  as the equivalent reference available to anyone  at any time  and  any location.
        Nevertheless, there is some additional uncertainty in (1.21). How to choose the path L? In free
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