Page 35 - Maxwell House
P. 35


            between monopoles are quantum by nature, and we shall not pursue this topic here. The reader
            interested in more details should consult [8, 9].
            1.4.4   Magnetic Sensors

            Later with better understanding of magnetic fields, we will introduce in a similar manner such
            sensors as a magnetic monopole Δ , magnetic dipole moment  , and volume density of
            magnetic current 
                                         = ∆     [V ∙ s ∙ m]
                                                              �                     (1.8)
                                        = (∆ ⁄ ∆)  [V ∙ m ]
                                         = ∯   ∘     [V]
                                                        �                        (1.9)
                                          = ∫     [V ∙ s]
                                           = − ⁄  [V]
                                                                   −3 �              (1.10)
                                = lim (∆ ⁄ ∆) =  ⁄   [V ∙ s ∙ m ]
            There are some problems with all these magnetic quantities. Wikipedia describes a magnetic
            monopole as “…a hypothetical elementary particle in particle physics that is an isolated magnet
            with only one magnetic pole.”  It means the unseen presence of a north pole without a south
            pole and vice versa. Such particles were predicted to exist by English physicist Paul Dirac in
            1931 - and have never been seen in nature. Nonetheless, an international group of scientists in
            the journal Nature reported  on January  30 ,  2014 about  “…controlled creation of Dirac’s
            monopoles in the synthetic magnetic field” at the temperature of few billionths of a degree
            above absolute zero of −273.15°C. Eventually, it is currently difficult to talk about any practical
            applications of this discovery.

            A remarkable fact is that the magnetic current magnitude is measured in Volts (see 1.10)) and
            thus physically equivalent to the voltage source like a battery. Consequently, it will be perfectly
            valid without any mystics to interpret some sources of electromagnetic fields and field sensors
            as magnetic charges, dipoles, and currents if the fields created by them and magnetic sources
            are identical.
            In fact, there is the critical obstacle to making such definitions because the magnetic monopole,
            if it exists, must be an elementary particle similar to electron and proton, not a piece of material
            with the magnetic current. Then one might wonder why we started this discussion at all. First
            of all, we will show in the following sections that the introduction of magnetic charges and
            currents  makes Maxwell’s equations  highly symmetrical. In physics as in  most arts, the
            symmetry is a sign of beauty, elegance, and validity. However, the practical reason is that some
            man-made  sources of electromagnetic  fields act in the same  way as  magnetic charges and
            currents. In other words, this abstract concept of magnetic charge and current substantially
            simplifies the process of electromagnetic field solutions and  significantly  broadens  their
            diversity. That is why the “nonexistent” magnetic sources became the part of electromagnetics
            almost from its birthday.
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