Page 34 - Maxwell House
P. 34

14                                                                 Chapter 1

        Meanwhile, we know very well that the beams of charged particles can propagate in free space
        without any wire support. As an example, we can bring up the solar wind and lightning bolt,
        particle  beam  accelerators and  weapon systems, vacuum tubes, and  many other natural
        phenomena and human-made devices. To include all these phenomena we can associate the
        flux of charges with the speed vector  pointing in the direction of charge movement and define
        the vector   as the volume current density
                                            = ∆  ∆  [(A∙ s ∙ m ) ∙ (m ∙ s ) = A ∙ m ]
                                     Here  the  new  subscription  V  reflects the  fact that this
                                     current arouses from the  motion of electric charge in
                                     volume and the volume  current  by its  nature  in slight
                                     contradiction  with unit dimensions. Looking at  Figure
                                     1.4.3 we can find the total electric current   by means of
                                     positive charge steam
                                                 = ∯   ∘     [A]                 (1.4)
           Figure 1.4.3 Positive charge
             moving with speed    Here, by  collective  agreement, the element    is the
                                     outward-pointing normal vector to area  as Figure 1.4.3
        depicts. Therefore, the positive electric current is directed outward.
        Notice that the sensor #3 converts into the sensor #1 when  = 0. Eventually, the natural model
        of this current sensor is the short section of conductive wire with the infinitesimal cross section.
        1.4.3   Charge Volume Density

        As it was highlighted in section 1.1, the macroscopic electrodynamics disregards the charge
        quantization. Therefore, side by side with a point-like charge we can consider the charge ∆
        that is spread throughout a volume ∆ with a volume density   defined as a limit
                                          = lim (∆ ∆) =                (1.5)
        Then we obtain from (1.3)
                                                    =        (1.6)
        It is  worth to  note that the definition (1.2) and (1.4) can  be extended  to  any continuous
        distribution of electric charges   as
                                  =   ,  =  ∫  ,    = −         (1.7)
        Now, it becomes clear why we put the sign minus on the right-hand side of (1.2) and (1.7). The
        positive  current   > 0  according to (1.4) corresponds the charges  leaving the domain  V
        meaning that the newt charge   in this domain diminishes and   < 0 . Therefore, the
        negative value of negative the derivative is the positive current.
        Typically, the physical processes forming the dipoles or currents and describing the interaction
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