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                5. Support to Operations (STO) and General Administration and Support Services (GASS)

                 Strengths                STO
                                          1.   Administration’s strong support to faculty and staff development and welfare
                                             that led to good profile of faculty members;
                                          2.  Regular review of curricular offerings
                                          3.  Establishment  of  the  International  Relations  Office  to  manage  international
                                          4.  Infrastructure facilities in place for students use
                                          1.   Resource-sharing with partner-agencies
                                          2.  Consistent compliance to Good Governance Conditions
                                          3.  SUC Level III
                                          4.  PRIME-HRM Level II
                                          5.  Land disputes resolution

                 Weaknesses               STO
                                          1.   No ISO certification
                                          1.   Low absorptive capacity due to poor planning-budgeting link
                                          2.  No integrated information systems
                                          3.  Low income from IGPs

                 Opportunities            1.   Government’s  policies  on  sustained  economic  growth,  social  and  human

                 Threats                  1.   Indigenous environment
                                          2.  Internationalization and globalization trends in higher education
                                          3.  Trends on ICT literacy and creativity, environmental quality and sustainable use
                                             of resources

                This  internal  and  external  situation  of  the  University  in  terms  of  its  strengths,  weaknesses,

                opportunities, and threats shows the clear picture of its current state which are significant in laying out
                the direction of the University.

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