Page 34 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 34


                                                                                 The unit features an indexing
                                                                              monorail carousel load/unload con-
                                                                              veyor loop; automatic transfer from
                                                                              load/unload stations; automated ma-
                                                                              terial handling; multi-stage phosphate
                                                                              or conversion coating pretreatment
                                                                              system; immersion anodic or cathodic
                                                                              e-coat paint application with ultra-fil-
                                                                              tration, temperature control and recti-
                                                                              fier; automatic paint feed based on
                                                                              square-feet of surface processed; a
                                                                              three-stage recirculated immersion post
                                                                              rinse; glass-enclosed pretreatment; and
                                                                              a bottom entry/exit dehydration/cure
         TTX has been supplying e-coating equipment since 1990.               oven mounted above the tank section.
                                                                                 The unit’s coating capacity is 50 to
                                                                              150 square-feet per load, up to 3,000
         ClearClad. Using filtration technology,  spray application, says ClearClad.   square-feet per hour, 6 million square-
         rinse water can be extracted from the   TTX has been supplying e-coating  feet per year, per shift.
         bath itself and used to recycle nearly  equipment since 1990.           ClearClad promotes e-coating as a
         100 percent of drag-out back into the   The company says its Econ-E-Coat  high-tech, environmentally friendly
         bath. This maximizes material usage  system offers high-density throughput  coating that can be accessible to all
         and minimizes costs.               and has similar features to its Sliderail  users, both OEM and job-coaters.
            E-coat systems can deliver a wide  Square Transfer system, but in a   “Electrocoating itself provides total
         range of finishes with a combination  smaller envelope. Specifically designed  coverage and is ideal for high produc-
         of performance and decorative effects,  to be portable, the modular unit can  tivity, uniform coating and low rejec-
         many of which are unavailable by  be relocated easily.               tion rate,” TTX says. n

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                                    TT  X       Filter Presses
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         34   CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG                           nOvEMbER/DECEMbER 2020
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