Page 36 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 36


               Electroplating includes passing an electric current through a

             solution that’s called an electrolyte. This is done by dipping two

              electrodes into the electrolyte and then connecting them into a

                       circuit with a battery or some other power supply.

         SILvER                                              Gold and Silver Plating - Deposition
         Generally, silver is a more cost-effective plating solution; it  The deposition of gold and silver is similar to other elec-
         is cheaper than gold, and it also plates copper well. It has  trodeposition processes. Considering the cost of precious
         the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of any metal.  metals, deposition is done under very exact conditions
         Other attractive characteristics of silver are that it has the  (A/sec.m 2) so that the layers can be deposited with precise
         highest optical reflection, whitest color, and lowest contact  thickness. Special care needs to be taken in order to mini-
         resistance of all metals.                           mize the losses of noble metals during the post-plating
            Issues that may arise with silver plating include galvanic  rinsing process.
         corrosion and humidity. Silver plating is not recommended
         for applications that are subjected to humidity since it is  After-Treatment
         prone to flaking and cracking, which could eventually    Normally, gold layers don’t need an after treatment. Some-
         expose the base substrate.                          times the layer is gently polished with a soft tissue. Silver
            With the exception of luxury goods, the industries that  layers sometimes get coated with a thin layer of rhodium.
         utilize silver plating the most are the electronics (semicon-
         ductors and connectors, musical instruments, and bearings)  wHAT IS ELECTROPLATInG?
         and modern power generation (battery and solar).    Electroplating includes passing an electric current through
                                                             a solution that’s called an electrolyte. This is done by dip-
         PRECIOuS METALS COATInG PROCESS                     ping two electrodes into the electrolyte and then connecting
         The electroplating of precious metals such as silver and  them into a circuit with a battery or some other power
         gold coatings can be done from a variety of aqueous    supply. The electrolyte and electrodes are made from care-
         electrolytes. Typically, solutions of cyanides are used.   fully chosen compounds or elements. When the electricity
                                                             flows through the circuit that they complete, the electrolyte
         Pre-Treatment                                       separates. At this point, some of the metal atoms it contains
         The pre-treatment depends on the condition of the com-  are deposited in a thin layer on the surface of one of the
         ponents that need to be treated and generally includes the  two electrodes, thereby completing the electroplating
         following process:                                  process. All sorts of metals can be plated in this way, in-
            • Mechanical pretreatment                        cluding gold, silver, platinum, etc.
            • Degreasing                                       Electroplating is similar to electrolysis (it includes using
            • Rinsing                                        electricity to split up a chemical solution). These are all
            • Activation, sometimes by making the            examples of electrochemistry, which is a chemical reaction
              substrate electrically conductive              caused by producing electricity that gives industrially or
            • Rinsing                                        scientifically useful end-products.
            • Nickel or copper deposition
            • Rinsing                                        HOw ELECTROPLATInG wORkS
                                                             First, we need to choose the right electrolyte and electrodes
                                                             by deciding on the chemical reactions we want to create

         36   CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG                           nOvEMbER/DECEMbER 2020
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