Page 39 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 39

and wastewater treatment.         and allied metal-finishing solutions.   out-of-tank filter systems; there are
           The string wound cartridge filters   Flo King says this offers many ad-  models for small and large tanks;
         are manufactured using a high speed,  vantages, including the elimination of  CPVC, polypropylene, PVDF (Kynar),
         continuous wind process which creates  leaks and spills associated with out-  or stainless steel construction can be
         a superior one-piece filter with hun-  of-tank filter systems; agitation as a  chosen; and it can be used with the
         dreds of diamond shaped tunnels, the  natural byproduct of filtration, a feature  company’s own reusable filter car-
         company says.                     that can often replace air or mechanical  tridges or with disposables. Installation
           Pleated filter cartridges are “manu-  agitation systems; easy filter cartridge  is out of the box.
         factured using a proprietary, electrod-  changes, without the need for tools or   Systems can be used to filter deco-
         sorptive media technology that is    production interruptions; and in-tank  rative and functional plating solutions,
         capable of removing submicron  carbon treatment for the removal of  including brass, bronze, cyanide
         pathogens and inorganic contaminants  organic impurities, such as brightener  cadmium, trivalent and hexavalent
         through electro-adhesion and ion ex-  breakdown products. Flo King adds,  chromium, hard chrome, acid copper,
         change,” Filter Pump Industries says.  the system offers a lot of versatility as  cyanide copper, electroless copper,
           Canadian Finishing Systems also  it can be used stationary in one tank  electroless nickel, acid gold, cyanide
         carries a full line filters and filter    or moved from tank to tank as a utility  gold, bright nickel, nickel chloride,
         systems, in both re-usable and   pump; the system is less costly than  nickel sulfamate, silver cyanide, tin,
         disposable filter technologies. The
         company offers bag, plate, overside,
         tube and candle filters with various
         flow-through configurations. Filter
         systems can either be manual or
         fully automated.
           Finish Thompson offers sealless,
         sealed, vertical and drum pumps to
         cover the full spectrum of needs for
         electroplating and anodizing.
           Its DB and SP Series pumps are
         magnetically coupled, sealless centrifu-
         gal pumps designed to pump corrosive
         chemicals in electroplating and anodiz-
         ing facilities.
           They feature no mechanical seal,
         with a “powerful rare earth magnetic
         drive system to eliminate the trouble-
         some mechanical seal”; are manufac-
         tured from polypropylene or PVDF for
         corrosion resistance; have a run dry
         ability making them less prone to op-
         erator error or system upset; and a
         self-priming option to lift fluid from as
         deep as 25 feet below the pump or
         pull liquid out of the top of a tank to
         eliminate through-the-sidewall bulk-
         head fittings.
           Flo King Filter Systems manufactures
         pumps, filter systems and cartridges,
         and carbon treatment devices, to pro-
         mote solution cleanliness and waste
         minimization in a variety of operations.
           The company’s “four-in-one” in-tank
         system can pump, filter, agitate, and
         treat electroplating, anodizing, printed
         circuit, low-sludging iron phosphate,
                                      CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG   39
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