Page 35 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 35

plating and anodizing: PRECIOUS METALS PLATING

                                          Plating of

                    Precious Metals


         PRECIOUS METALS have been used for centuries now for  GOLD
         their corrosion-resistant properties and aesthetic. They have  Gold is considered malleable, practically indestructible, and
         become essential for the production of engineered systems  completely recyclable, while also being virtually immune
         and high-tech devices, especially in the communication  to the effects of water, air and oxygen. This unique combi-
         and electronic industry sectors.                   nation of properties makes it an essential component in
           Precious metals also have widespread applications in  many industrial, medical and electrical applications. Gold
         the automotive and aerospace industries. These metals are  is one of the most electrically conductive metals and is
         rare and expensive but irreplaceable because of their prop-  also an excellent conductor of heat or thermal energy.
         erties, such as high positive electrode potentials, meaning   Gold plating is useful for parts that need wear or corro-
         they are relatively resistant to most aggressive environments.  sion resistance while still maintaining their flexibility. It has
         Due to their high cost, it is necessary to closely control the  a high electrical conductivity, and it is non-reactive with
         chemical processes in which they are used, such as chem-  other elements. Although it is the most expensive option
         ical surface treatment technology, to make the processes  for electroplating, it’s by far the best method for securing
         efficient and economically viable.                 the value and quality of your product.
           The two most common types of precious metal plating   Gold plating is often used in electronics in order to add
         are gold and silver.                               a corrosion-resistant electrically conductive layer to copper,
                                                            usually in printed circuit boards and electrical connectors.
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