Page 3 - FIS Mini audit Good Vibes_Facile2
P. 3

Call To Action

                Your Call To Action (CTA) is crucial in
                directing the next step that you would like a

                potential new Client or Member to take.

                It is effectively, the first step in your

                acquisition funnel.

                If your CTA is unclear, too diverse,

                inappropriate or missing altogether, you are

                missing out on crucial new business.

                Your CTA is a very clear ‘first class for £5’.

                This is great, but your ‘book a class’ in the

                top right takes you to a Membership page
                and so is a broken link. Your timetable from

                the Studios page is also a broken link.

                If your prospect is interested in the offer but

                doesn’t immediately commit and selects

                ‘more information’ it is likely they will be

                overwhelmed with 4 possible CTAs from that

                Your Membership options link from your
                About page is also a broken link
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