Page 4 - 2017, SEPT 24 - LIONS VS FALCONS - SHOP 1
P. 4
Woodward Avenue Travel completed mystery shopping services at Ford Field for the:
The objective was to document the services experienced and products received in 13 key areas: Concessions, Digital Media, First Aid Stations, Game
Day Presentation/Activities, Guest Services, Housekeeping, Maintenance, Parking, Police Presence, Retail, Security, Ticket Office and Ushers. This
mystery shop also provided the advantage assessing the physical aspects of the location including: the cleanliness and upkeep of the facility as well as
the appearance of the staff, their attire (including uniforms and name tags) and attitude. Four groups of mystery shoppers posed as fans in order to
supply an objective view of the service provided to help determine how closely employees are following their training. Employees were completely
unaware of the mystery shopper's true intentions and therefore gave them the same service they provided to the majority of the fans. The mystery
shoppers then completed customized questionnaires reporting on the entire shopping experience. This should enable management to better
interpret how the average fan is being serviced and provides an opportunity for improvement. Utilizing the attached comments and scoring matrix,
management can understand what their team does well and build on those identified strengths or uncover hidden deficits where training dollars
would be more beneficially spent.
Scoring Explanation: Shoppers were instructed to answer a series of yes/no questions as well as assign a numerical value to each question. The following scale was
4.0 Very Good Quality of service or product meets or exceeds expectations.
3.0 Good Quality of service or product meets and occasionally exceeds expectations.
2.0 Fair Quality of service or product is slightly below expectations.
1.0 Poor Quality of service or product is well below expectations.
Understanding the Scoring:
While numerical scoring can be somewhat subjective, it should be noted that a score of 3.0 suggests that the respondent’s satisfaction level was high
enough that they would recommend the services or products they had experienced. Scores higher than 3.0 represent an exceptional experience; one
rarely encountered by the respondent.
Woodward Avenue Travel (for client use only) Page 4 2017, SEPT 24 - LIONS VS FALCONS - SHOP 1